Do I Have To Take Him Back?
Published: November 6, 2011My husband left me and my children to set up home with another woman, causing much hurt and rejection. Two years on, I actually feel that he did me a favor, having been relieved of a very difficult marriage. I can now be at peace to follow God without having to hide the spiritual side of my life. My dilemma is this. Having realized his mistake and having a new found belief in the Lord, my husband wants to try to make amends. The problem is I’ve moved on and don’t want to.
I’m afraid that this is God’s will for me; that I should take him back the same as God has done for Israel on numerous occasions. It’s not that I haven’t forgiven my husband – I have. I just want something different for my life.
Will God be disappointed or angry with me if I don’t? I’m concerned that God won’t trust me to do His will in other areas if I can’t manage this. I’m so confused.
Why Does God Pour Out His Wrath Again?
Published: November 5, 2011I believe that God’s punishment for all our sins, past, present and future, was put on Jesus at the Cross. Then, why would God pour out His wrath again in the end times judgments that begin in Revelation 6?
More On Don’t Believe Anything I tell You.
Published: November 5, 2011In “Don’t Believe Anything I Tell You” you mention people feeling disappointment, anger and loss of hope because the rapture didn’t happened when they expected it. But you failed to mention fear! The fear that just maybe the world is at least partially right. We are surrounded by a society that considers the rapture absolute nonsense. To them the idea of millions of people suddenly vanishing from the face of the earth is insanity. We are human, after all, and this constant laughter by the society around us does take it’s toll. Right or wrong, many of us are having a hard time hearing the footsteps of the Messiah over the noise of the world.
As In The Days Of Noah
Published: November 4, 2011I have a question about the material Noah used to seal the Ark ( in side and out with “Pitch”, Gen 6:14). I also notice there many other places were the word ‘Pitch’ was used. The big question is~~~ “what is the word Pitch” and how was it used, what was it made from? I do not have a Hebrew Lexicon.
Does The Holy Spirit Know?
Published: November 3, 2011In your question regarding the Holy Spirit knowing the time of the rapture, you replied that if God knows, then the Holy Spirit also knows. What about the scripture that says no one knows the day or hour, not even Jesus, but God only?
Am I Included In The Rapture?
Published: November 3, 2011I have always believed in Jesus as my savior since I was very young. I have been baptized and confessed outwardly that I believe. Lately I have been thinking I am going to die and am not going to heaven, which scares and deeply saddens me! I have continued to do things I shouldn’t. I remember my Pastor telling me that I am living the exact way the enemy wants me to live, in bondage. Please help me! I do believe Jesus died for me and I know this wretched world is coming to an end very soon. Am I included in the rapture?
120 Year Life Expectancy?
Published: November 3, 2011You said there was no proof in the Bible that God shortened man’s years to 120. What about Moses in Deuteronomy 34:7, when he died at the age of 120 years?
How Can They Not See?
Published: November 2, 2011It baffles me that there are people in Israel who are preparing for a new Temple right now. This means that there is a sector of Jews who seemingly also believe that the End, as described by Jesus, is upon us and yet they still fail to accept Him as their Messiah. They can see the same end that the Church sees looming yet they still cannot see Jesus as the rightful fulfillment of Scripture nor do they feel He is the Messiah they have been waiting for all along. How can this even be?
The Length Of A Lifespan
Published: November 2, 2011The word states that the generation that sees the beginnings of the end times will not surely pass away, OK? Well, here’s another idea. What if instead of using the average idea of 70 years being the time frame, we take literally the passing away of the generation. Now if as we know, some people live to be 100 years or even more, would God consider that the generation had not passed away even if one person was left alive and kicking at say 102 or 105 years of age?.
Reuniting Israel And Judah
Published: November 2, 2011Re: “Don’t Believe Anything I Tell You”. I beg of you to please research more in depth the difference between Israel and Judah. They are not yet united.