Ask a Bible Teacher

Was John Really John?

Published: November 13, 2011

I have just finished a book which has got me thinking. This book claims that john, the brother of James, both sons of Zebedee, was not the same John as “the beloved disciple”. Although I do not take this premise as fact, it has got me thinking as to who was whom? Was John ben Zebedee the beloved disciple? Which John wrote the 3 letters of John? Which John wrote the Gospel of John, and who was John the Revelator?

Manifestations Of The Spirit?

Published: November 13, 2011

A new believer I know attended a service where people were fainting, demonstrating holy laughter, dancing in the Spirit, etc. He was told it was a demonstration of people giving themselves totally over to the control of the Holy Spirit and humbling themselves before the Lord. But I wondered what purpose of God is served by having believers act that way. I can’t find any scripture to support such a manifestation. I am concerned for this person because I don’t want him to think His walk with God is based on feelings or emotions, but on faith. Can you please give your perspective on this?

The Name Of Jesus

Published: November 12, 2011

As far as I can remember, in my youth, the Name of Jesus Christ was symbolic with Love unconditionally. I was also saved invoking His Holy Name but as I started reading and studying Scripture seriously, I discovered that His real Name in Hebrew was Yeshua Ha Maschiach and in Greek it was Iesous Christos. Do you have any insight as to why the Greeks did not respect His Hebrew Name nor kept it for Scriptural accuracy’s sake? Some say that Jesus is not His real name and was given to associate Him with a dog name in those times, is it true? Could you shed some light on this for me please so that I could lay it all to rest and find peace?

Faith to Believe

Published: November 10, 2011

Something I have tried to wrap my mind around lately is the doctrine of election. I have read where you stand on this issue that God “foreknew” our choice and then predestined us and this idea makes sense to me. However, I am confused because Ephesians 2:8 tells us that even the faith to believe is a gift from God. If God has to give us the faith to believe before we are able to believe than how is it our choice?

How Can Life Be Normal?

Published: November 10, 2011

I’ve read your expositions about Matthew 24, 25 and they make a lot of sense. I think, perhaps, I am missing the emphasis in verse 37 (and Luke 17:28) about the times of Noah and Lot. What was the purpose of Jesus’ comparisons to the time of the coming of the Son of man? If He is saying that when He comes, life will be going on as usual with normal daily activity, I have a difficult time understanding how anything will be going on as normal during the Great Tribulation; with God’s wrath so severe how can people possibly be eating, drinking and marrying at the time of His Second coming?

Is There Enough Time?

Published: November 9, 2011

I understand that the Rapture of the church could come at any time, but I have difficulty seeing how everything the Anti-Christ has planned could be accomplished in seven short human years unless that seven year period were in the distant future, say a hundred years from now when technology and knowledge are greatly increased.

When Do We Go To Heaven?

Published: November 9, 2011

For years as a Christian I have thought that if we believe in Christ we would go to heaven when we die. I have searched the Bible but cannot find any reference to this. In Revelation it talks of the dead being raised when Christ returns. My question is, do we go to heaven when we die or do we stay in limbo waiting for the return of Christ, which we know not when He will return.

Who Is The Dragon?

Published: November 9, 2011

In revelation 16 John sees three unclean spirits come out of the false prophet, the beast and the dragon. Could the dragon be an extraterrestrial/ angel or even a physical embodiment of Satan himself? In the passage he clearly is represented as a third person in the unholy trinity.

How Could Angels And Women Have Children?

Published: November 8, 2011

I’m confused. If there is no sex in Heaven, then how were the bad angels able to make the earth women have babies (Nephilim)?

What Does Pre Trib Mean?

Published: November 8, 2011

Re: Paul Was Pre Trib. By pre-trib do you mean at the start of the 7 years or before the last 3 1/2 years (Great Tribulation) ? Also what do you think Rev 18:4 means? My daughter’s fiance thinks that it means he can’t come to America because of it, and my daughter is agreeing. I believe it’s most likely America, but it’s some years off, probably near mid-trib. And we’re free to come and go from America until the Holy Spirit would tell us to leave, but more than likely we won’t have to worry about it due to the rapture. What’s your thought and scripture, if possible.