Ask a Bible Teacher

Paul’s Former Life

Published: November 18, 2011

In 1 Timothy 1:13, why does Paul state he was shown mercy because he acted in ignorance and unbelief? Had he been saved previously, or at least aware of biblical principles, would mercy not be possible? How does that affect those that have once been around the faith but turned away and fell into sin?

Where And When Does Israel Get Saved?

Published: November 18, 2011

I need to know when and where Israel would get saved. The two witnesses are prophesying in the tribulation and Elijah will restore all things. It seems that Israel is purified in Petra and the covenant is made in this wilderness. Would you agree with this? If not, please give clear answers concerning when and where Israel would get saved.

Resist The Devil And He Will Flee

Published: November 17, 2011

I have read and heard testimonies of people in the midst of spiritual warfare in which Christ himself appears and rebukes the demons who then flee. Do you think that Christ physically appeared to these people to protect them from demons, or do you think that these people saw a vision of Christ without him being there physically?

Faith Or Fear, Follow Up

Published: November 16, 2011

In response to “Faith or Fear” I certainly understand everyone’s natural fear for the future what with all the events happening in our world today. Your short response of essentially: “don’t worry, have faith … God will provide” bothered me greatly. Yes, we are to maintain a solid faith in our Lord and His faithful provision for His own. However; there should be a balance. I believe He expects us to be “Preppers” once He has forewarned us! What’s wrong with preparing for the future with whatever wisdom you have? I can think of several times that the Lord sent word to His people to prepare. Noah, Abraham, Joseph, Moses, and David were all given warnings and told to prepare. It’s a godly thing to prepare. Being a “Prepper” is stepping out in faith. I’m a Berean.

Are Current Events Foretold In Prophecy?

Published: November 16, 2011

I’ve read several articles online about the possibility that Israel will soon attack Iran. I’m just curious what your thoughts are on this situation and how it fits into Biblical prophecy.

Real Christians

Published: November 15, 2011

On some websites and message boards, members claim that only real Christians will be raptured. I don’t understand what that’s supposed to mean. Are there degrees of Christianity? I thought you either are a Christian or you’re not. Maybe I’m missing something here. Please explain.

Martyred For Our Faith, Follow Up

Published: November 15, 2011

I was stunned by your answer to “Martyred for Our Faith”, especially now, with the threat from radical Islam, whose Koran calls for beheading any who refuse to bend the knee to Islam. All over the world today believers are being martyred because of their faith. Why in heaven’s name would you think there’s such a slim chance of persecution coming to America? Would that more were taught from an early age to be willing to die for what they believe. The thousands of mosques in America are certainly teaching that to their children.

Israel and The Church In The New Covenant

Published: November 14, 2011

What do you believe concerning the Church’s participation in the New Covenant, if they do, without fulfilling the covenant, which is for the true Jew. Also, do we participate in the other covenants in a spiritual sense. I feel a little strange using that language because it lends it self to the whole “the Church is Israel or spiritual Israel, which is a complete lie and a very big heresy today in most churches. I know there are several views on the Church and New covenant participation, what is your belief on these issues of the Church and the Jewish promises?

Fear Or Faith?

Published: November 14, 2011

I am embarrassed to admit after reading a commentary today that I am starting to feel fear. I look to the end times prophecies with hope and trembling. The fear comes from his writing that we should have supplies on hand because we can’t trust the government for dependence. I understand that fact. But in my case, I am losing my home and I don’t have means to store supplies.

Church Business

Published: November 13, 2011

I am writing for a recommendation concerning my church. It is a great church that teaches the word of God and I am happy with that. Outside the sanctuary there’s a book store that charges for books. There are also classes that charge for the books and study materials they use. I’m concerned that the poor and needy that Jesus told us to take care of are being excluded from these resources. Should I be doing something about this or am I just concerned about nothing?