Ask a Bible Teacher

More On Giving To Get

Published: December 2, 2011

In regards to tithing, you have mentioned that 10% is simply the amount the Lord established as the standard. If a family’s financial situation is so tight such that giving 10% is wishful but just not practical, is the family going to have their blessings from God curtailed, or do you believe God will consider the cheerfulness of the family giving what they can, and not hold back on blessing them with increase?

Inter-Racial Marriage

Published: December 2, 2011

Is there any place written that is against the marriage of blacks/whites? I get so confused by the way people react and wonder what will the kids of these marriages do. Will they be accepted by both races? Is that the same as a Jewish person marrying a Catholic person?

Is Abortion Only A Sin For Unmarried Couples?

Published: November 30, 2011

Here in South Africa abortion is talked about in women’s groups but is almost never mentioned in church. Is abortion a sin even to married believers? Or only to unmarried believers who happen to impregnate themselves while they were sinning in sex?

Remember Who She Is

Published: November 30, 2011

I struggle with being the mother of a lesbian. I love my daughter but totally believe that her lifestyle is a sin. She knows my thoughts and is respectful. My question is, where do I draw the line? She lives out of state and when she comes home for holidays and brings her partner, do I overlook the fact that they sleep together? Do I accept the lifestyle to keep peace? I just don’t know where I should draw the line. I don’t want to lose her but I don’t want her to think that I accept the lifestyle. I would appreciate your thoughts.

B’nai Noach

Published: November 29, 2011

Could you explain the “b’nai noach” to us ? I have had people ask me about this, wondering if it is a cult.

When The Earth Was Divided

Published: November 28, 2011

Gen. 10:25 says the “earth was divided” in the days of Peleg. What does that mean? Is God speaking of a physical division, such as has/is occurring in the Great Rift Valley, a fault from which runs through Jerusalem and the Olivet? Or does it mean the people “divided up” the earth into geopolitical shares?

The Wave Offering

Published: November 26, 2011

I’m wondering about the saints that came out of their graves after Jesus was resurrected. Why do you think only some were raised out of their graves? Also, did they receive glorified bodies at that time? Or did they come out of their graves only to appear to those in the city and then disappear? Did they live another lifetime on earth and then die again, or did they receive glorified bodies and go to heaven like Jesus did? And last, are they also considered as being part of the first fruit like Jesus, since they were raised at the same time?

Did Jesus Have Any Fun?

Published: November 25, 2011

Do you think the disciples and Jesus ever had “fun”? I mean, when they were resting or just before sleeping, did they just ever sit around and talk? Or were they just so focused on their ministry that they didn’t need/want that kind of interaction with each other?

Is The Holy Spirit Being Weaned Away?

Published: November 25, 2011

In the last 6 months or so, I have found that nothing I am involved with is ever simple! People don’t get along, students don’t work to their potential, everything is more difficult to do, there’s not enough time in the day to get things accomplished, our country is suffering due to the lack of moral absolutes, etc. It makes me wonder, since many of us truly believe that the Rapture could happen at anytime and quite soon, if perhaps the Holy Spirit might be “weaning” Himself out of the Church a little bit at a time and thereby allowing the ruler of this world – Satan – to have more of a stronghold in our daily lives?

More On Ezekiel 38 Going Nuclear

Published: November 24, 2011

You recently commented that there may be nuclear weapons fired at Russia and the coastal areas of Europe in the Ezekiel 38/39 event. You alluded to this by quoting Ezekiel 39:6 which reads : “I will send fire on Magog and on those who live in safety in the coast lands, and they will know that I am the Lord”.

Surely the emphasis is on the first word of Ezekiel 39:6, the “I ” part of the scripture, meaning God Himself will pour fire down from heaven, because a nuclear attack by Israel would result in such a huge back-lash that it would perish. The armies that die on the hills of Israel also appear to be killed by God rather than the people of Israel. Is it not safe to assume, therefore, that there is no military conflict at all in Ezekiel 38/39 and that God Himself does all the destruction of Israel’s enemies?