Explaining Daniel 12
Published: November 1, 2011In reading your post “Don’t believe anything I tell you”, I have a question about Daniel 12:11-12. I am doing my own research, and need help with how you get periods of 30 and 45 days here. I only see 45 days mentioned. Please explain.
Who Am I Praying To?
Published: October 31, 2011When I pray, I pray to God calling Him father. But within my prayers, where I always thank Him for my salvation, I want to thank Jesus for dying on the cross for me. I see God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit – I see them as 3 in perfect unity – but it is a little confusing when I pray, knowing exactly whom I am praying to. Is it OK to thank, and pray to all 3?
Resuming Animal Sacrifice
Published: October 31, 2011In an article you wrote on “Seven Things You Must Know About End Times Prophecy,” you indicate that after the Rapture and Ezekiel’s battle, the Jews will rebuild the temple and return to the OT Covenant, including the sacrifice of animals for the atonement of sin. How do we know it is God’s plan for the re establishment of the OT animal sacrificial system? Where does scripture cover this?
The Restrainer. Follow Up
Published: October 30, 2011In your answer to the question about the restrainer you wrote: “According to Genesis 6:3 the Holy Spirit was also taken out of the way before the Great Flood. What I see in this scripture is that man was living hundreds of years – which would cause striving between the Holy Spirit and man. Therefore, God shortened man’s days, or length of life. I don’t see the Holy Spirit being removed. Please explain. Also, at the rapture, the church is removed, not the Holy Spirit, correct? I have understood that the Holy Spirit will remain here working as in the Old Testament.
OSAS And James 5:19-20
Published: October 30, 2011I have a question about James 5:19-20. It would seem to indicate that someone could taste death by their sinning. In other words, if the person wasn’t turned away from their sin, they would taste death. Yet I know that we are forgiven when we ask. How does this get rectified?
Who Were The Essenes?
Published: October 29, 2011I was reading the questions and answers for 10/3/11 and saw the word Essenes. I have never heard of this word before. Would you please enlighten me as to who they were and how John the Baptist happened to be associated with them?
New Testament Giving
Published: October 28, 2011My question is about the prescribed way and the motive behind new testament giving. In Luke 6: 38 and 2 Cor 9: 6-11. The kind of blessing associated with this way of giving far surpasses the blessings associated with tithing in Malachi. It even includes physical, spiritual, mental and social blessing. Why do we still dwell so much on tithing instead of this kind of giving? And shouldn’t we give where we are fed, or should it automatically be given to our local assembly?
The Restrainer. What, Who, Or Both?
Published: October 28, 2011Paul prophesied the removal of a “someone” or “something” that restrains the Antichrist from being revealed. (2 Thes 2:6-8). Paul describes the restrainer as a “what” (neuter in gender in 2:6) and as a “He” (masculine gender in 2:7). Paul taught that the governing authorities are appointed by God to restrain evil (Rom 13:1-4). Could the “what” be the existence of national governments that will not allow the Antichrist’s government to emerge, and the “He” to be God and His sovereign decree to bring the ten nation confederation into unity with the Antichrist (Rev 17:17)?
A Word, A Ministry, And The Rapture
Published: October 28, 2011Does the Holy Spirit know when the Rapture will occur? This question arose a few weeks ago when a missionary friend of mine was in town and shared several words of knowledge with me. He told me I would have a certain ministry. I was excited about my upcoming ministry, but at the same time I was disappointed because I think if I have a ministry that the Holy Spirit has ordained but that I haven’t even started yet, the Rapture can’t occur yet. How do you think these things can fit together?
The Great Wealth Transfer
Published: October 27, 2011Is there any idea as to when/how The Great Wealth Transfer will happen on Earth? And to whom will it be given to?