Is Israel Breaking The Law?
Published: October 6, 2011I was wondering if you could give me some insight on the present crisis concerning Israel and the Palestinians. Many of us in our church are supporters of Israel and long for the world to recognize its right to the land that God gave them. There are a few, though, who argue that it is illegal to build on land that has been taken in war – as declared by the Geneva convention. This confuses me as I know God’s law is higher than man made law, but how is it OK for Israel to break the law when we expect other countries to abide by it?
John The Baptist And The Essenes
Published: October 4, 2011I was reading your answer titled One Messiah Or Two. It was well written. Can I ask you why you think John the Baptist was hanging out with Essenes?
More On The Partial Rapture Theory
Published: September 29, 2011In Revelation, only the Philadelphia church was told they would be kept “from the hour that would try the whole world.” We like to apply that to ourselves, but doesn’t that mean because the Philadelphia church was “hot” they preserved their entire generation from entering into the time of the end. In contrast, the next generation of believers, the Laodiceans, are so weak spiritually that as salt that has lost it’s savour, they have no preserving power to keep that hour from coming forth during their lifetimes( meaning the promise of the Philadelphia church cannot be taken and applied to our generation.) Do you think it could be possible to have a partial rapture–especially as John as the beloved disciple was the one chosen to receive the revelation, and he as the” type ” of those who will be delievered–showing us only those who are in close fellowship with Jesus will be shown the “open door” in heaven?
The Church’s Last Believer
Published: September 29, 2011I am puzzled in regards to the rapture of the Church. Will there be a short time when no one else will accept the Lord as savior, and at that time the Lord will call us home? There are people still being saved everywhere, so do you believe the cut off point will be between people that will make up the Body Of Christ, and the people that God knows won’t be saved until the tribulation?
The Fiery Furnace And The Great Tribulation
Published: September 28, 2011Scripture says that many believers will be delivered up to the anti-Christ and/or his forces. There is also an admonition that when the moment arrives, the believer should not prepare or rehearse any speech, but should allow the Holy Spirit to speak to the evil forces instead (Mark 13:9-11). Assuming that the anti-Christ will expect a believer to RENOUNCE Christ and instead worship him and HIS religion, what do YOU think that The Holy Spirit, through the Tribulation believer, will have to say?
Do We Have The Right Of Capital Punishment?
Published: September 28, 2011I’ve always thought I am for capital punishment, and that God was also for it since He uses the rule of ‘an eye for an eye’ and ‘he who lives by the sword shall die by the sword.’ But someone recently brought up this subject and I was reminded of the story about the woman brought to Jesus for committing adultery. Jesus told the crowd that the one without sin should cast the first stone. Does this mean that we have no right to use capital punishment against murderers since we are all sinners? Does God give us the right, through the courts, to put a person to death for killing another person?
Do Children Who Die Ever Have To Choose?
Published: September 27, 2011When a baby is not allowed to be born, either through miscarriage or abortion, or if they die before the age of accountability I understand they go to Heaven. My question is, do these children who never made a choice to follow God, have to make that decision at the end of the Millennium when Satan is loosed to tempt those who have never been tempted? I realize they are not in the flesh but neither were the fallen angels when they decided to follow Satan. The only person I know of in the Bible that never had to make a choice is John The Baptist when he received the Holy Spirit in the womb.
Bad Dreams And Night Visions
Published: September 26, 2011My young child age 3 has spoken of seeing angels and “bad men” for over a year now. Once, upon seeing what she described as a “bad man” we prayed in her room and she said the bad man went away with “fire”. I have spent hours of prayer for her and our home. I pray over her at night. The Lord I feel has led me to Ephesians 6 10-18 repeatedly. There are very few people who I feel understand or that I am comfortable sharing this with. What else can I do to protect her? Why do you think this is happening?
Denying The Faith
Published: September 21, 2011During the Great Tribulation, if a believer and/or his loved ones are tormented (in whatever broadest sense) to the point he denies Christ, will he lose his Salvation?
More On Mandatory Church Attendance
Published: September 21, 2011I just read one of your replies to a questioner as to whether the Bible mandates church attendance. How does your reply to this question fit in with Hebrews 10:25?