Judging The Dead
Published: August 22, 2011Since the dead are judged for their works at the Great White throne, can one assume that all of their works are weighed, as on a balance? If so, can one infer that there are “degrees” of Hell?
Still More On “No One Knows The Day or Hour”
Published: August 22, 2011I have a question about Mark 13:32. If this verse is talking about the second coming, which I agree that it is, why do people apply it to the timing of the rapture? And, if it isn’t talking about the rapture of the church, why COULDN’T we know or be able and allowed to figure out the day and/or hour of the rapture? Thanks so much! May God richly bless you.
More On The Secret Rapture
Published: August 19, 2011In one of your answers to a question about the rapture, you stated:”some think they are part of the church, but will be left behind at the Rapture.” How could they be part of the Church and not saved?
Still More On No One Knows
Published: August 19, 2011I am confused. How is it that we cannot know the day of Jesus return to this soon to be devastated earth when in the book of Daniel CH 12:11 it says that from the time that the abomination that makes desolate to Jesus return is 1290 days, then those who survive to 1335 days (45 additional days) will be welcomed into the millennium (Dan 12:12) . The Rapture of the church has no signs preceding it. It will happen when the full number of the Gentiles has come in. When that day or hour will be is known only to God. So, in light of what is written in Daniel, those who become believers after the Rapture and see the abomination that makes desolate in the Temple in Jerusalem can count 1290 days from that time and know the day the Lord our Savior will return. Am I missing something?
If It Be Your Will?
Published: August 19, 2011I have a question about a previous healing topic where you stated that praying “your will be done” (when praying to God the Father), showed weakness and sorta questioned if the healing could be done. I agree with this in a sense. I believe that it IS promised and we should ask with confidence and full faith that it WILL be done. My confusion comes when Jesus himself prayed 3 times that “if Gods will be done” to take the cup from him. (Matthew 26:39-43) Could you please clear up my confusion?
Judging Believers
Published: August 18, 2011I believe as you do that when we become a Christian, all of our sins, past, present and future are under the blood of Christ. That being the case, what will we be judged for in heaven with all of our sins forgiven and forgotten?
The 2nd Coming And The Feast Of Trumpets
Published: August 18, 2011As I understand it, you are a proponent that the 2nd Coming may take place during The Feast of Trumpets. I was wondering though, if The Feast of Tabernacles makes more sense. I say that because it is referenced in Revelation 20 as being celebrated. I don’t see where other feasts are celebrated so logically there must be a pretty important reason to celebrate one over the others during the reign of Christ. Would you please explain your theory?
Is Selling Alcohol A Sin?
Published: August 18, 2011I applied for a job at Walmart and got an interview, so most likely I am hired. My pastor saw me there and I told him what I was doing. Later that evening he told my husband that we can no longer be members of the church if I work at Walmart. Is this right? He says it’s because I would have to sell alcohol, because Walmart has alcohol there. He says in the Bible it says to keep yourself away from evil. I’m Confused! I prayed about financial help for a long time, and I prayed for GOD to send me on the right path. But now my path is a blur. What am I supposed to do?
Salvation During The Millennium
Published: August 17, 2011A question was raised in our Sunday School class concerning the Holy Spirit and how people will be saved during the Millennium. One person stated they thought there was a verse that since Jesus will be reigning on the earth during this time, the Holy Spirit will not be on the earth. I believe you have stated that the Age of Grace will not exist during the Millennium, that those saved will not be sealed by the Holy Spirit, as we are today. Would you please elaborate on this issue? I’d like to provide some insight to the class.
Babylon’s Destruction
Published: August 17, 2011In your article titled ‘Mystery Babylon…what’s the mystery’ you state the following.
“But during the Gulf War they discovered that ancient Babylon had never been destroyed in the way the Bible describes. Further research showed that it’s been continuously inhabited since the days of Nebuchadnezzar, and Saddam Hussein has expended much effort in restoring it.”
I am a believer but this confuses me since the Bible is to be 100% accurate. Can you please explain this?