Ask a Bible Teacher

Rapture Before Ezekiel 38?

Published: July 18, 2010

In your answer to the “…Rapture seems unfair,” question, you answered, “In OT, people had regular confirmation of God’s existence in the form of mighty acts of deliverance and judgment. After the rapture, God will again show clear evidence of his existence through mighty acts.” Am I drawing an accurate inference from your response to clearly understand that the battle of Ezekiel 38 & 39 can not possibly happen until after, or simultaneously with, the Rapture of the Church?

A Moslem Anti-Christ?

Published: July 17, 2010

My question is regarding July 13th’s Q&A on Islam & the Anti-Christ. Please tell me if you think my reasoning and logic is off base on this subject. It would seem logical to me that the Anti-Christ would be a supposed Jew (possibly a poser Jew). The reason I would say this is because the Jews would most likely sign a “false” peace agreement with a fellow Jew, right? Not a Muslim of all people, right? The Jews in Israel have been attacked and terrorized by Muslims ever since their rebirth as a nation in May 1948. It just does not make sense to me that Israel would trust a Muslim leader.

The Lesson Of Jephthah’s Oath

Published: July 16, 2010

In Judges 11: 29-40 we read how Jephthah gave his daughter as a burnt offering to the Lord. Did he really? If so, why would God allow that, since He abhored the sacrifice of children? Or is it just that this man took his oath to the Lord literally, and he sacrificed her, and God just didn’t say anything about it? This really bothers me, and I hope you can answer this….no one else can.

Why Aren’t I Being Blessed?

Published: July 16, 2010

I’m just wondering how a person can get through life as a Christian with little to nothing and be ok watching other Christians get dumped with blessings. Bear with me; I’m still a baby Christian. I’m just having a hard time dealing with illness and poverty, unemployment, troubles marriage etc, but I look around me and see so many of my Christian friends so fulfilled… good jobs, stable income, loving homes.. It makes me wonder what I am doing wrong.. I won’t lie either.. It also upsets me that I have to wait until Heaven, yet other people are so blessed in this life and will continue to be blessed in the next. Am I not seeing these blessings? Am I not even being blessed? Is it because my spouse is not a believer?

Lot and The Church

Published: July 16, 2010

I was pondering the destruction of Sodom, and Abraham’s inquiries as to how many righteous souls would it take spare the city. The Lord said He would spare it if at least ten could be found. Is there some comparison between the fact there was only Lot and his family, and the number of true Christians alive at the time of the Rapture, or am I reading something into the account?

Is Ethiopia Part Of The Ezekiel 38 Coalition?

Published: July 15, 2010

First I want to say thank you so much for your ministry. I have learned a great deal from you over the years. My question relates to Ezekiel 38 and Ethiopia. I have watched for many years as the pieces for Ezekiel 38 have fallen into place, the most recent of which has been Turkey. One thing I don’t get is why Ethiopia? From what I can tell, Ethiopia still has a Christian majority with only 1/3 of the population Muslim. What would Ethiopia have to gain by partaking in this alliance?

Wine Or Juice?

Published: July 14, 2010

Is there any way to know for certain whether Jesus and His disciples drank wine or juice at the institution of the Lord’s supper?

Islam And The Anti-Christ

Published: July 14, 2010

I want to thank you for your insightful weekly studies and the Q&A’s you publish in Grace Thru Faith. I look forward to your web page each day. I read an article about the anti-Christ and the mark of the beast, where the author was saying that the anti-Christ is going to demand everyone to take his mark and worship him or “be killed (beheaded).” When I read this, it suddenly occurred to me that beheading is preference of the violent muslims. Could this mean that the anti-Christ will be a Muslim? and his followers/enforcers the violent Muslims?

Mary And Joseph’s Other Offspring

Published: July 13, 2010

Thank you for your site and countless time’s you have helped me. My question is I was talking with an inmate at the local prison and he does not believe that Jesus had any brothers or sisters I told him about the time he was in the house and some one called out and said Jesus your mother and brothers are here. But the man I’m talking with said no it has a totally different meaning that I could not understand from him. Is there some thing that will be clear and simple for him?

The Jewish Bible

Published: July 13, 2010

Recently Prime Minister Netanyahu’s son won a Bible knowledge contest, and now I read that Mr. Netanyahu says he studies the bible on Saturdays (the Sabbath) for 90 minutes with his son. Are we likely speaking of the Jewish Bible? Would there be any reason he would be studying what we Christians call the Bible?