Ask a Bible Teacher

Contemporary Vs. Traditional Services

Published: July 12, 2010

My son is a pastor and is fighting the contemporary vs. traditional church music controversy. I’m sure you’ve fought this one or at least may have written some pieces on it. Will you help me to help him?

Who’s That Knocking?

Published: July 12, 2010

I’ve always dreamed of being able to ask a bible scholar certain questions. What a blessing your website is! Six members of my extended family, including myself, have heard knocking at the door when nobody is there. I can’t help but get excited when another family member hears the knocks. I truly feel that it is from the Lord, but not at all sure what it might mean. Have you had any other believers tell you of this happening to them, and do you have any insight on what could mean?

The Rapture And Rosh Hashanah

Published: July 12, 2010

In comparing different clues as to which of the fall Jewish Feasts corresponds with the Rapture (2011) and the second coming (2018) I am confused. In your post on July 3rd you state that “The second coming will likely come on Rosh Hashanah (Trumpets). You went on to make the excellent point that since that holiday takes place during the new moon, no one knows the day or the hour. Wow, what a great explanation!

Here is my confusion. I thought that Rosh Hashanah corresponded with the rapture which in 2011 falls on September 29-30. Jewish tradition holds that the resurection of the dead falls on Rosh Hashanah hence the Rapture. Also the Rapture is associated with the blowing of a loud trumpet.

The second coming 2018 which falls on September 19, seems to correspond with Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement) when “They look upon Him who they have pierced”, repent of their sins, and receive Him as their Messiah. Thank you in advance for your answer, Glory to Him.

How Can Two Teachers Disagree?

Published: July 11, 2010

I’ve read your recent weekly articles on end time events and your conclusions are quite compelling. I was on another prophecy website where the author was obviously talking about you though he does not mention your name. He suggests that we have decades before the return of Jesus. My question is how can there be such a stark difference in your opinions when you both seem well versed in prophecy and pray to the same Holy Spirit for insight?

Red Like Blood, Or Blood?

Published: July 11, 2010

I’ve read a couple articles quoting a professor at a Louisiana university that the reddish color of the oil slick is explained from release of materials compressed over millions of years that are uniquely mixing with the oil now. However, what about the prophecy of the waters being red like blood that kills everything in them? Is this prophecy suppose to happen before the 70th week begins?

God Induced Trances

Published: July 10, 2010

My question is about the verses where Peter and Paul were said to fall into a trance. I believe contemplative meditation is wrong, and I want to know what your take is on these verses: Acts 10:10 and Acts 22:17. I’m doing a study on prayer. Thanks ahead of time for you answer.

Not All Miracles Are From God

Published: July 10, 2010

The bible mentions that not everyone who says Lord Lord will enter His kingdom. I agree with you when saying this refers to people who are not 100 % believing on the price paid by Jesus Christ on the cross, but I get really confused when this statement extends to people who were prophesying, casting out demons and healing people. Do you want to tell me that there are people who are given a gift of healing, prophesying and casting out demons but not 100 % believing on the Lord?

The Dream Of Pilate’s Wife

Published: July 9, 2010

I really enjoy reading your daily answers. Your ministry continues to be a source of great inspiration for me. My question has to do with the significance of the dream that Pilate’s wife had. A minister that I greatly respect said that it does not make sense that it would be from God because, “God wanted Jesus to go to the cross and this was the means He was using to have Him crucified (Lk.22:42). Satan wanted him dead but not at this time or this way. It was his last ditch attempt. He sent Pilate’s wife the dream to have Pilate cancel Jesus’ crucifixion and prevent Scripture from taking place. I have always thought that the devil was trying to kill Jesus because he thought that he could keep Jesus from fulfilling the prophesies. Do you agree with this minister?

Are We Even Closer Than You Say?

Published: July 9, 2010

First I want to thank you for your efforts and insight. These are truly times of both terror and joy. My question is in regards to your latest article “A Chronology Of End Times Events”. I’ve read many times that the expected time of Jesus’ return is “about 70 years” from 1948. However, wouldn’t those be Jewish (360-day) years and not our 365.25-day years? 5.25 days over 70 years trims off an entire year! Are we closer than we think?

Did Mary Have Any Brothers?

Published: July 9, 2010

In one of your articles you state that Mary had no brothers. I don’t believe I have read this in the Bible and I wondered where you got the information.