Ask a Bible Teacher

What’s The Mystery Of God?

Published: June 6, 2010

Thank you for your ministry. I have a question regarding Revelation 10:7. What mystery of God will be accomplished? It says that the prophets announced it previously, but I haven’t found any references to this passage in my research. It seems way late in the text to be a reference to the Rapture.

Lot And His Daughters

Published: June 5, 2010

I know the story of Lot’s wife and the pillar of salt, and that Lot found favor in the Lord, but am confused how the Lord protected Lot when two of his grandsons, Moab and Ammon, were the result of an incestuous relationship between Lot and his two daughters. Surely this would be a gross sin?

Helping My Sister Out Of A Sinful Situation

Published: June 5, 2010

My sister has recently given her life to the Lord and feels very convicted for living in sin with her boyfriend who is in the process of being divorced. Her boyfriend is a believer but does not show the fruit–he feels no conviction about living in sin with my sister, doesn’t read the bible regularly or go to church.

My friends have opened their home to her to stay for a few months while she tries to develop an independent life, but she wants to continue seeing her boyfriend, hoping that they can refrain from sexual immorality and that he will get right with God. My husband completely disagrees with her decision and is pressuring our friends to rescind the offer unless she ends her relationship with her boyfriend.

By the way, wouldn’t the Lord want him to NOT divorce his ex wife and try and restore that relationship?

Confirming The 70 Year Life Span

Published: June 5, 2010

I’ve looked at Psalm 90:10 and it seems to say an average Biblical life span is between 70-80 years. You’ve locked onto the 70 year figure. Aren’t you trying to make it fit your opinion? Couldn’t the magic number just as easily be 80? Or we could split the difference and call it 75. Why does it have to be 70 years?

Why Seventy Years In Babylon?

Published: June 4, 2010

My understanding has been that the 70 years Israel spent in exile in Babylon had to do with the Sabbath years that the Lord had commanded them to observe when they came into the Promised Land. (Lev. 25:4) The time they spent in exile was to make up the years of rest that the land had been denied by the Israelites not observing this command from the Lord. Is this correct?

I Will Not Do That!

Published: June 4, 2010

Recently you answered a question that dealt with 2 Timothy 3:1-5. Is your response saying we are to having nothing to do with unsaved family after we have tried to talk to them about Salvation, and they do not want to listen? I don’t think I could turn my back on my elderly parents and my siblings. That seems like a very, very poor witness. In fact, I will not do that. Am I misunderstanding something here?

Jehovah’s Witnesses Vs. Orthodox Christianity

Published: June 3, 2010

I am leaning so much from your website and I thank you greatly. Can you please give me an example of the difference in the belief systems of Gracethrufaith and Jehovah’s Witnesses?

Catastrophic Events Before The Rapture?

Published: June 3, 2010

I want to start by saying that I really enjoyed reading your study on Ezekiel 38. It was very instructive and wonderfully written. I do however, have a question. You mentioned in the study as stated by Ezekiel that the Gog Magog battle will take place when Israel is living is safety in a land without walls (paraphrasing). Your postulation is that this event will take place after the rapture, My question is this, how forward in the future will this event take place after the rapture?

It is implausible to think that a world which could easily see over 1/3 of its 6 billion inhabitants vanish would be in any state other than that of heightened alert. This is specially true with a nation like Israel. This is the part of the study which raises a question for me as to the timing of the rapture and whether we will perhaps witness some catastrophic events before the rapture. I would love to hear your clarification on this.

Caring For My Mother

Published: June 2, 2010

My family is struggling with whether or not it is appropriate to put an elderly parent with severe dementia in a nursing home. My Mother needs diaper changes, and 24 hour supervision and care. The only way I could care for her is to be separated from my husband, who also has a serious illness and needs my help. My Mother has been staying with another relative who is at their wits end taking care of my mother, who because of the dementia is vicious to them, falsely accusing them of all sorts of things. We are all Christians and we forgive mother for her behavior, but the situation is very bad. Is it wrong to put a parent in a quality nursing home under these circumstances? I want to do what is right in God’s eyes.

Dinner With God

Published: June 2, 2010

In Exodus 24:9-11, we are told that Moses, Aaron and 70 elders of Israel saw God and ate with him. I know that no man can see God and live so I’m assuming they saw His glory. My question is what is the significance of this? It’s almost like a footnote in scripture, but it seems amazing to me that God would fellowship with them in this manner.