Ask a Bible Teacher

Saving Israel

Published: June 11, 2010

In Daniel 12:7 after the prophet is shown some of the events of the End-times, Daniel asked a question of the “Man clothed in linen who was above the waters of the river …” Daniel wanted to know, “How long will it be before these astonishing things are fulfilled?” The angel (I presume) answered, “When the power of the holy people has finally been broken, all these things will be completed.” Is “the power of the holy people” a reference to the Holy Spirit and the restraining influence he holds over the evil that will be released once the church is taken into heaven?

Blind Believers

Published: June 10, 2010

It seems that there are SO many people today that just seem to have no idea of what is really going on in the world today. Makes me wonder how people can be so blind. Didn’t I read in the Bible some where that God will enlighten those that earnestly seek wisdom in regards to worldly matters ? Is that why so many are so blind ? They just aren’t seeking Gods enlightenment ? Or has Satan just blinded them ?

Still More On Psalm 83

Published: June 10, 2010

Your recent article- Psalm 83…Preview of a Coming Attraction- contains a couple items I think are either wrong or at least need additional explaining to me. You make a statement: Psalm 83 was probably written some time after the end of King Solomon’s reign (about 900 BC) . But, as you point out, this Psalm was written by Asaph. In 1 Chr. 15:16-17 it says that David had the Levites appoint singers, of which Asaph was one, to bring back the Ark early in David’s kingship. It doesn’t seem likely that he was still writing Psalms after David’s 40 reign and Solomon’s 40 reign (Asaph would have to be well over 100).

Secondly, as for Psalm 83 being an unfulfilled prophecy, Psalm 83:7 lists Amalek as one of the peoples attacking Israel. You make note that: The Amalekites lived in Israel’s southern desert. But according to the Bible the Amalekites were totally wiped out How are a people who, according to the Bible, haven’t been around for 3000 years going to take part in a still future battle? With the elimination of Amalek, Psalm 83 would have to be viewed as history rather then prophecy.

Will Jesus Have To Be Anointed?

Published: June 9, 2010

We read where Saul, David and Solomon were anointed as Kings. Does this mean that when Christ returns he will require anointing? Since he arrives as King has He been anointed in heaven and do you think Hebrews 1:9 is in reference to this?

What Should We Do?

Published: June 9, 2010

Thank you for your website. For some reason yours is the one that I gravitate towards. What practical advice would you give concerning our money? Should we buy gold, store up any supplies? Do you think that this is at all necessary given what is going on with our economy or am I focusing on the wrong thing?

More On Psalm 83

Published: June 9, 2010

Jordan is the only nation on the Ps 83 list that is not in a current hostile relationship (officially) with Israel. So, if Jordan were to turn against Israel and break their peace treaty with them and join in a war against Israel with those other nations, we would have a fulfillment of Ps 83 literally. Is that correct?

Was Jesus Talking About Us?

Published: June 8, 2010

The common answer to the ‘age of grace’ people’s questions regarding marriage/sex etc in heaven is Matt 22:30. But you always encourage us to study the Bible in light of the context and who was being spoken to. As I was reading this section of scripture this week it struck me that Jesus is addressing the Sadducees and talking about resurrected Old Covenant Jews who have an entirely different future than the saved ones of the New Covenant going into the New Jerusalem. It sounds like the Church age Believers are not the ones having their destiny, along with its activities, addressed here. Am I reading this correctly or missing something?

Psalm 83, Follow Up

Published: June 8, 2010

It seems to me that both Jordan and Egypt would need to be involved in the attack to make the Ps 83 list complete. The kingdom of Edom goes into Egypt. If there is a war this summer it is unlikely that both Jordan and Egypt would be involved. In fact, Egypt is also involved in the stopping of ships going into Gaza. Something the media ignores. So I would like to know if you think that Egypt would be on the Ps 83 list. If not, then why not?

Will We Really Disappear?

Published: June 8, 2010

You seem to think we will disappear in the rapture, and I wonder where in the Bible it says we will vanish. Jesus, when he transfigured did not vanish, did he? Our transformation might be different, understood, but it seems, from what I understand in Thessalonians, that maybe we can only hear that trumpet in our transfigured bodies, and when we do we will have to (want to as well, no doubt!) fly up into the clouds to meet Him. Jesus did not burn his clothes off with His glory, nor did he disappear out of them- maybe it will be the same with us? This sounds more likely to me than a mass disappearance… But I would like very much to know what you think!

What Should I Do?

Published: June 7, 2010

Almost 50 years ago, I committed a sin that my husband reminds me of at least 2-3 times a month. I was not a Christian at the time. After almost 50 years of marriage, he still is very angry, drinks a lot, and cannot let the past be forgiven. God has, but my husband won’t. He has beaten me up, and caused lots of hard feelings in the family. Our children and grandchildren stay away because of him. The only reason I’ve stayed is because he cannot make a living for himself due to damage caused by drinking and smoking. I don’t know if it’s OK to leave because of abuse. What do you think?