Ask a Bible Teacher

Changing The Law?

Published: June 21, 2010

There are a series of teachings from the Old Testament that the Lord Jesus refutes. Were all these teachings from God or tradition of men? some were given to Moses by God, but the Lord Jesus seems to disagree & refute them. We can read a series in Matthew 5:21-39. What is the explanation of this? Did the Lord Jesus come to change the Law of Moses?

The Gap Theory One More Time

Published: June 20, 2010

I have a question about the Gap Theory. You have stated that you do believe that there was a “gap” between Gen 1:1 and 1:2 but that you don’t believe dinosaurs or man inhabited earth during that time. My question is, if there was a “gap” then, could there possibly have been other creatures living before the Genesis creation? To me, this would not interfere with the literal 6 day creation. The only difference is my addition of creatures existing during the period before Genesis. I understand this is quite a difference but, again, is this possible?

Tribulation Vs. Great Tribulation

Published: June 18, 2010

My Pastor of Music Ministry believes that the rapture is more likely to happen in mid-tribulation because of the reference to the Great Tribulation, thinking that the tribulation actually begins at that time. I believe that the tribulation begins with the anti-Christ’s peace agreement which leads Israel into a false peace and that the Great Tribulation is God’s wrath on the earth in preparation of Jesus second coming. Is there a clear scripture reference that identifies the tribulation period as the total seven years?

More On The 7 Churches Of Revelation

Published: June 18, 2010

I have a question about the seven churches named in Revelation 2-3. Are they literal churches that can be found today or were these used in a metaphorical sense?

How Much Of Revelation Is Real?

Published: June 18, 2010

How much of the beasts and descriptions that John gave in Revelations do you think are real? Do you think what John wrote are interpretations of what he saw in today’s modern world? Or do you take the descriptions like the first and second beast and red dragon as a literal reference to what will occur?

The Mountains Of Israel

Published: June 17, 2010

When the Gog/Magog war occurs and the armies of the Russian coalition attack Israel and are destroyed by God in the “mountains of Israel”, what mountains are they?

Honoring My Father

Published: June 17, 2010

My mother died when I was three years old leaving my siblings and myself to live with our stepfather. He was the most abusive and hateful person I have ever met. I do not need to get into how my life growing up was, let’s just say it was so terrible that I could not forgive him for years. I am an adult now and the same stepfather has fallen ill. I have eventually forgiven him and was ready to make provisions to take him into my care. I felt that although he was my step-father, he was the only father that I knew. I tried to remove him from a very abusive situation so that he may die in some dignity. My problem is I think that God is not allowing me to take him.

I know the Bible said to honor thy Mother and Father, I would like to honor him but was not allowed to. The last time I was allowed to visit him, I felt it in my heart to tell him that I forgave him and that he should accept the Lord but I did not. He is still alive today but I am not allowed see him. Would I be punished for this? What should I do?

Will We Speak Hebrew In Heaven?

Published: June 17, 2010

I watched a TV preacher and in his sermon he claimed we will all speak Hebrew in Heaven. I can see how it will be spoken in the 1000 year Kingdom on Earth, but I’m not sure about Heaven because we are Gentiles. What do you think on this subject?

Honoring My Father

Published: June 16, 2010

I have a question about my father. He gambles on things like cock fighting and Mah-jong. He is a catholic while I and my elder sister are Christians. I work for my family all my life from high school up to this point and I am getting a good salary. My father asked money from me to spend for his monkey business. What came up to my mind was I didn’t work just for him to spend some of my money on gambling. I know that children are to obey the parents but In this case I don’t know what I should do… he gambles for a living. By the way I am in the Philippines and this kind of gambling is legal I just prayed to God that He will enlighten my father.

Another Great Awakening?

Published: June 16, 2010

As I read through your teachings, “Seven Churches of Rev. 2 and 3,” you describe the letter to the Angel of the Church in Philadelphia being indicative of a time in the recent past–a Church movement called, “The Great Awakening.” Presently, we are hearing a lot of preaching and teaching in the Word of Faith Movement calling for, and telling of, a 2nd Great Awakening or what the scriptures may refer to as the end time harvest. There are times when, in light of the “suddenly” of world events surrounding the nation of Israel, I wonder if this Great Awakening is set to happen pre-rapture or post-rapture. Could you share some insights you might have concerning this?

I could be mistaken, but, it seems that if it’s pre-rapture, then we know rapture time is post endtime harvest which we will recognize when we see it. If it’s post-rapture, then that’s another story altogether.