Ask a Bible Teacher

Use The Truth To Expose The Lie

Published: May 16, 2010

In Titus 1:12, Paul quotes the philosopher Epimenides in saying “All Cretins are liars”. But isn’t this quote referred to as the “Liars Paradox?”, that is, if Epimenides, a Cretin, is correct, then he is a liar because the statement is true. If Epimenides is wrong, then he is a liar because then all Cretins are not liars which is the opposite of what he said. So, when Paul said, “This statement is true”, was he making a play on the paradox, on Epimenides, or was he just making the simple observation that all Cretins are liars?

More on Children In The Rapture

Published: May 15, 2010

Someone asked about children conceived after the rapture. This jogged my memory about the children who will be raptured. It would seem to me that 1 Cor 7:14 talks to this subject. Do you agree?

What Happens To Millennial Believers?

Published: May 15, 2010

After the tribulation period is over and the millennium begins, what happens to the folks that die during the millennium period. Do their souls go to heaven or do they immediately get new bodies and go to be with the the folks who were raptured?

Are Those Who Have Died Still Aware?

Published: May 14, 2010

You’ve written that the story of Lazarus and the rich man (Luke16:19-31) is the clearest teaching we have on the after life. So, can we assume from this teaching that those that have passed away during the church age are completely aware of what has happened? And of everything, everyone and every situation they have left behind at the moment of their death? It appears that both Lazarus and the rich man were well aware of these things.

Is There Enough Time?

Published: May 13, 2010

Thanks for all your thought provoking work on this website! I have one question. In your previous messages, you’ve mentioned 2018 as being a possible time for Jesus’ second return. Subtracting 7 years for the tribulation, this would put the rapture sometime between now and somewhere in 2011. My question is: Is it reasonable or feasible to imagine that 1) the battle of Damascus would occur, 2) Ezekiel 38 would occur, 2) the temple would be rebuilt and in service in such short amount of time? Unless I’m not understanding your timing, I believe you’ve stated the 3 above things would happen before the 7 years of tribulation begins. Thanks for the clarification!

When will Joel 2 Be Fulfilled?

Published: May 12, 2010

Do you think the restoration as mentioned in Joel 2:25 is for the current church or is this prophecy solely for the Jewish nation and when will it happen? Also when do you think verses 28 and 29 are going to be fulfilled? Thanks so much for you website it is a blessing of truth.

Crying At The White Throne?

Published: May 12, 2010

Recently I heard a sermon on “wiping away our tears”. It was stated that Rev. 21:4 was in reference to the Great White Throne judgment. We will witness this judgment and will be sorrowful for who we see condemned to Hell. God will have to wipe away our tears. What are your thoughts?

The Samaritan Temple

Published: May 12, 2010

When Jesus met the Samaritan woman at the well , she tried to “side-track” the conversation with a question about where people should worship (John 4:19-20). She said “Our fathers worshiped on ‘this’ mountain…..”. Can you tell me the name of the mountain to which she was referring?

Who Is The Multitude Of Rev. 7?

Published: May 11, 2010

In Rev Chapter 7 verse it talks of the “great multitude that can’t be numbered. Earlier in the book it mentions the angels, beasts and elders who numbered 10,000 times 10,000 and thousands and thousands. This comes out to be more than 1000,000,000, and they are numbered so this “great multitude” must far exceed that number. Also the martyrs are already mentioned in the 5th seal. So who are these great multitudes?

Since they all show up here at this point in time they can’t all be the tribulation saints, or can they? It seems to me that the tribulation saints will come in throughout the tribulation period. They can’t be the martyrs they have already been spoken of. So who are these?

Will We Have To Visit The Unsaved Dead?

Published: May 10, 2010

I recently heard a well known evangelist comment that Isaiah 66:22-24 was evidence believers in heaven would take an “annual tour” to observe unbelievers in hell. When asked “for what purpose” he explained (paraphrased) so that we might appreciate how blessed we are to enjoy God’s favor in heaven. Since we are told there would be no more tears or sadness in heaven this explanation does not seem reasonable. I certainly would not be happy or consoled to see those suffering in hell especially if some of those suffering were known to me – and as an “annual event”?. What is your take on this scripture?