Why Did God Let Satan Live?
Published: December 14, 2009What is the reason God allowed Satan to survive for thousands of years after his rebellion? Why didn’t He just destroy him and his followers immediately? After all- we know they will all be destroyed (sent to Hell – the burning lake of fire) eventually (I think very soon). Can you imagine what life would have been like without Satan’s influence. Probably much like Heaven. Also, will unsaved people go to “the lake of fire” or do you think most go to “outer darkness” and suffer mainly the absence of God forever?
Sharing The Temple?
Published: December 13, 2009I just read an article regarding the Temple Institute and the money it has spent preparing for the 3rd temple. It said the Institute intends to build the temple for all monotheistic religions to come worship, which clearly includes Muslims. It says that Al Aqsa can stay, and they will build right next to it, maybe even somehow incorporating it into the temple.
Also, the article said that a leading journal of the religious law in Israel envisioned a situation where an “authentic prophet” receives a “holy revelation” to build the temple in peaceful proximity to the Al-Aqsa mosque and nearby Christian shrines. This, of course, could be the antichrist or the false prophet. For some reason, this struck me hard. For the first time, I can see how soon the temple could be rebuilt and how it could be built under peaceful conditions. I didn’t realize the Temple Institute’s intentions to allow other religions to worship and pray in the temple. What are your thoughts on this?
Satan’s Flood
Published: December 13, 2009I just finished reading the article on Rev. 11:15-12:17, and something occurred to me at the end of it, reading your comment on the surge of water Satan uses to try to destroy the Jews. I was just thinking, I know in Turkey, they’ve built the Anatolia dam with which they’re holding back all of the water of the Euphrates now (thereby releasing the “four angels”?) Certainly when the antichrist/Mahdi comes, he’ll have control over this dam. Could the unleashing of this dam release the water the antichrist uses to cause this flood? What do you think?
The Holy Spirit After The Rapture
Published: December 12, 2009I have recently been studying Revelation in preparing to teach a teen Sunday school class, and thus far what I have gleaned from your answers that I still have a question about from what I have read in the Word is the following:
I understand that the Scripture says that all of Israel that survives the Trib. will be saved thanks to the preaching of the sealed 144,000, but is there Biblical proof that gentiles will be saved after the Rapture of the church? If it is true that the Holy Spirit will be removed from the earth at the Rapture, how could more Gentiles be saved? And where does the Bible say that Gentiles will be saved?
Zionism, Communism, And The One World Government
Published: December 12, 2009I read an article that claimed Zionism and Judaism are not one and the same. The author said Judaism is a religion but Zionism is a political movement started mainly by East European (Ashkenazi) Jews who for centuries have been the main force behind communism/socialism. The ultimate goal of the Zionists is a One World Government under the control of the Zionists and the Zionist-oriented Jewish International Bankers. He said the Ashkenazi Jews are not blood Jews but merely chose Judaism. He said that God said, “Beware of those who call themselves Jews and are not, for they lie.” Could it be that the Ashkenazi Jews are the people to whom God was referring and who have dominated the government of Israel since its beginning in 1948? Thank you for your insight, as always.
Psalm 83 and Ezekiel 38, Same Or Different?
Published: December 11, 2009Side-by-side arguments concerning interpretation of Psalm 83 are currently listed in Rapture Ready. Both sides make believable points to the untrained novice’s eschatological eye. After reading both viewpoints, I still believe that Psalm 83 describes a war separate from Ezekiel 38. However, if someone asked me to justify this position, I don’t believe that I could make a precise, concise, cogent argument because of all the nuances in prophetic interpretations involved in these two articles.
If you will, at some point would you kindly write a “precise-concise” rebuttal to the “Psalm 83 is a non-war” stance? There has to be at least one linchpin errancy in interpretation that will cause a domino effect in demonstrating the falsehood of this argument. Thank you, Jack, for all that you do for your readers. No other eschatology site even comes close.
The Dead And The Great White Throne
Published: December 11, 2009My question concerns revelation chapter 20. The Bible seems to indicate that the final “resting” place of the wicked will be in the lake of fire. Is this the same place as hell? What does it mean by death and hades and they gave up their dead? Where are the unsaved kept until the Great White Throne Judgment. OK, I guess that is three questions.
Will The Anti-Christ Be Jewish?
Published: December 9, 2009Over the years I’ve heard a few people say that the false prophet would be Jewish. The only reasoning for this was that the Jews would not accept him unless he was Jewish. Several days ago while watching a Christian video the speaker said in passing that the false prophet would come from the tribe of Dan. Is there any scriptural basis to think that this could be so? Many thanks for sharing your gift to help us all.
Promise Cards
Published: December 8, 2009God has spoken to me through your website many times. GOD bless you. I have a query. Normally in churches at the start of a year, we receive a promise card with a verse in it. According to our situation or the problems we face, these verses give us hope. But sometimes things will happen in the other way. So, we feel that the promise word which we received is not from the Lord. Later we doubt, whether they came from GOD? Do I need to get again this promise card next year and hope on it?
Where’s The Ark Of The Covenant?
Published: December 8, 2009I wish to ask a question about the lost ark.Where could it be possibly hidden? Could it be that the Jews have not found the ark, and that’s why they are delaying building the third temple? I look forward to your enlightened insight!