Ask a Bible Teacher

Is It Wrong For Christians To Defend Themselves?

Published: August 8, 2007

My question for you is about those who are alive during the 7 year tribulation. It is my understanding that during this time there will be much persecution for those who are Christians, especially from the anti Christ himself and his government.

My question is … Will it be wrong for Christians to defend themselves, their families, and even their homes during this time? I know that we are supposed to be willing to die for our faith but it would be very hard for me to let someone else abuse, torture, or even kill my wife for her faith without taking violent actions against them to prevent it. What does the bible say about this matter if anything?

The Holy Spirit

Published: August 7, 2007

I have (yet another) question about the rapture and the Holy Spirit as the “restrainer” being taken away. My dad is adamantly post-trib, and he maintains that the Holy Spirit is both present in us and moving throughout the earth in order to soften the hearts of those who will come to the Lord and restrain the spirit of lawlessness, and that even now God is slowly removing that from the earth – which is why we see such an increase in evil in these days.

And that during the tribulation, we (the church) will be the ONLY source of the Spirit and that is why people will still be able to come to Him, because of the church’s presence and continuing testimony even in the face of persecution and during the tribulation. He always mentions scriptures about the spirit softening the hearts of men and preparing them to receive the gospel, and that the only way we can know Him is by the Spirit revealing it to us. Thoughts on this?

And just one more, what will the people of the world think when we vanish? Aliens? Plague? What will be the various world governments’ excuse for such a thing? Will this be something that leads apostate Christians back to the Lord?

Forgiving Her Father

Published: August 7, 2007

God Bless your site and thank you for all the times you answer my questions. My family has recently been struggling with some deep issues. I divorced my husband and now I have found out that for years he was molesting my daughter who is now 15. The authorities are handling everything and we are starting Christian counseling.

Here is my question, can you point me to scripture to share with my daughter to help her understand that even tho she is angry and hates him she should pray for him and forgive him. I struggle just as much as she does I am sure, and I have shown her that God will take vengeance for her, but she should in turn pray and forgive her father.

Also, many children that go through these things have similar symptoms, can you point me to any scripture to help her battle the demons that will lurk within her as well? That was a lot. I know I am not a new believer but not nearly as knowledgeable as I wish I was, I have always had a hard time understanding the Bible, and then a friend pointed me to your site. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Spiritually Ahead Of My Husband

Published: August 6, 2007

My husband and I have 2 young children together and have both been believers for about 6 years. In that time I have grown a lot as a Christian and am very passionate about God. I am not afraid to admit that I am obsessed with God and His Kingdom.

My husband has been slower in his growth and is mostly living for what this world can offer him. He worries about money and possessions and doesn’t feel he needs to tithe. As his wife I feel very differently and feel I would like to give all myself to God and trust in Him to provide for us.

I also have taken an interest in End Times Prophecy and want to talk to my husband about it, but he shuts me off whenever I bring it up. It seems he is turning a blind eye, but I think he may be scared. I love my husband very much and do not want to live without him, however I feel torn between him and God. How can I live my life pleasing to God and to give Him glory, and also be a good, supportive wife to my husband, without him feeling like I am leaving him behind? What does the Bible say about this?

Enthusiastic Evangelist

Published: August 5, 2007

Thanks again for allowing God to use you for my learning and understanding. Since I have been coming to this site, I have been able to witness in a way that I have never been able to before. I have received so very much more understanding and I am able to bring it to them in a way that they seem to get it.

I personally have always been a boisterous person. I look at so many things logically and I don’t have a problem voicing my opinion to anyone. I feel a sense of urgency when I get around certain people and I can barely control myself when it comes to talking about the Lord. It’s like I can almost see that someone belongs to his family and I get excited about sharing with this person the good news of their birthright.

My husband always tells me, “calm down”, but I often feel that a particular person has to hear the truth and I have to tell them. My current question is can a person effectively witness if they have a personality like mine?

Earthquakes And Famines

Published: August 5, 2007

Why do you say the end is near when there has been no increase in earthquakes? The year of 2007 has had lower than average major earthquakes than previous years. Also, the only places where there are famines are in Africa and thats been happening there for a long time already. There has been no increase in famines anywhere else in the world.

Syria Versus Israel

Published: August 3, 2007

With all the talk about summer war with Israel and now the time table been moved to November could it be said that an attack by Syria or one of its proxies will be the cause of a terminal attack against the Syrian Capital? Especially if WMD are used against the House of Israel?

Is this the battle that happens around or just before the Trib?

Does God Use Evil Spirits?

Published: July 26, 2007

My question is from 1 Samuel 18:10 where God sends an evil spirit upon Saul. I am confused about God using an evil spirit. I can’t think of another place where He does this. I know that God had a conversation with Satan about Job so I guess this could be something similar. Can you shed some light on this for me?

Thy Kingdom Come, Follow-Up

Published: July 26, 2007

I have followed your series with interest and feel till now you have been pro Israel, but on the article of the 1000 year millennium it appears you are saying that it is the church and not Israel in God’s program. If I have read this correctly what do you feel that God’s program is for Israel in the future? What do you do with God’s Covenant with Abraham and David’s covenant that they would have a kingdom and nation forever?

If we are the Bride of Christ for a thousand years and He is the King over the world, why would the Bride, having been given glorious garments of white linen at the rapture, even be in the presence of a sinful world?

The Mediterranean 10

Published: July 26, 2007

Could (the Mediterranean 10) be the “Ten Horns” of the beast rising from the sea?