Ask a Bible Teacher

Jews At The Holocaust Denial Conference

Published: December 14, 2006

Can you explain to me how it is that I saw a group of Jewish men (called Hassidic) actually attending one of the Iranian president’s anti–Semitic meetings this week, and why they were shaking his hand with smiles on their faces? For the life of me I can not figure this out.

Adultery Or Not?

Published: December 13, 2006

I was married to a man who looked at pornographic movies, and magazines and was always lusting after other women. When I asked my pastor if that was adultery, he wouldn’t answer me, but told me to try to hold the marriage together. I was a Christian, but my husband was not. After many years of misery with this man, I divorced him. Was this situation adultery on his part?

Losing Salvation

Published: December 12, 2006

Thank you again ever so much for the continued additions to the website. Its such a big help to everyday living as well as positioning ourselves better in this world.

I had a question regarding salvation. You mentioned in one of your answers that the belief of Assemblies of God and Church of God relates to losing our salvation if we don’t live right.

But if that’s not true in the whole sense, does it mean that if I accept the Lord into my heart once, regardless of how I live my life, I would still go to heaven?….Wouldn’t I lose my salvation?

Gog, Magog, And The Rapture

Published: December 12, 2006

I know that we cannot know with certainty, but do you think that the war of Gog and Magog happens after the rapture?

To clear up some confusion in my mind, is the Gog Magog war different than the Battle of Armageddon?

Does The Bible Mention Land For Peace?

Published: December 12, 2006

I was just wondering. Does it describe in the Bible somewhere that Israel will try to give up their land for peace as they are doing today, or does it talk about how others are trying to take it from them as they do today? I’ve read my bible through many times but thought I might have missed this somewhere.

Damascus Destruction

Published: December 11, 2006

Thanks for your web site. I just know the Holy Spirit led me to it. I feel the Holy Spirit leads you in your answers.

Is it your belief that the destruction of Damascus will occur before Gog/Magog? If so will Israel also at the time have great destruction of some kind?

Where Does God Live?

Published: December 11, 2006

I been reading your articles about gap theory in Genesis 1 and I completely agree but something came into my mind in Revelation where it says that God will dwell with men in the new Jerusalem and I believe that with all my heart because it is His word but I been wondering who will inhabit the heaven where our God lives and how about the angels since there are legions of angels? Or maybe He can be in both places at all times? Is there any reference in the bible that you know that I can read about it? I am always blessed and praising God in my heart every time I read your works.

The Pygmies In Africa

Published: December 9, 2006

Re: your article “What About The Pygmies in Africa?” Have you read Romans 9-11? Have you studied the characteristics of God? How is God just is sending someone, a tribal person let’s say who has never heard, to heaven? Is that really balancing out his attributes? I don’t think so. What does Romans 5:8 teach us? And you also say that if people just catch a glimpse of a creator they are saved? Man that is wrong thinking! You are putting God’s love above all other attributes. By grace through faith…in what? Jesus Christ.

A Prophet Unaware?

Published: December 8, 2006

A recent quote from Iranian Pres. Ahmadinejad stated, “…Rest assured that if you do not respond to the divine call, you will die soon and vanish from the face of the earth,”. He was referring to the west.

I wonder if his use of the word “vanish” was unknowingly a prophetic word about the rapture, just as the Lord used Caiaphas in John 11 to unknowingly utter a prophetic word about Jesus death on the cross.

With events in the middle east as they are, do you still think that all end times prophecies will be fulfilled between 2018 and 2037? (based on your previous articles). That would place the rapture as late as 2011, or later. Unless the Lord intervenes and cools things off for a while, 2011 seems rather far off at the rate things are moving. On a related topic, you have often stated that you believe the rapture is a number (of saved) specific issue – which I agree. But in God’s sovereignty, don’t you think it could be number and date specific, coinciding at the same time?

Ezekiel’s Battle, Ezekiel’s Temple

Published: December 6, 2006

In our studies last night we were talking about the Millennium. I shared your thoughts on Ez. 38-39. While (members of our group) don’t believe it is the battle of Armageddon, they do believe it was part of the “campaign” of Armageddon and thus takes place near the end of the Tribulation. Other than the fact that Israel will be burning the weapons for fuel for 7 years, what other hints or clues place it before the tribulation period?

Also is Ezekiel’s temple, the temple of the Millennium, and if so, why are there animal sacrifices? Isn’t there no longer a need for sacrifices? And will it only be for the nation of Israel?

Thank you for much for taking the time to answer my questions. It truly is appreciated.