What an amazing year it’s been. This week we had our Christmas Service and continued finishing our prayer house!

A recap of all our featured posts this week. Catch up on the Q&A, the daily Psalms, and articles. This week, we featured Names of Jesus: The Good Shepherd, Names of Jesus: The Gate, Names of Jesus: Immanuel, and A Shepherd’s Story.

Groceries for families in need and our Christmas party with our Escualita!

Praise God! He has gotten us through 2020. We couldn’t have foreseen the grief and great need that this year would bring. But the Lord has been faithful through it all—and so have you! THANK YOU!

Because of your love, prayers, and support, no one we serve has gone hungry.

More Christmas outreach prep with groceries and gifts!

Being the community of God together. And updates on our prayer hut-turned house of prayer, scenes from our school classes, and our Sunday service.

A recap of all our featured posts this week. Catch up on the Q&A, the daily Psalms, and articles. This week, we featured Joseph’s Christmas Story … Part 2 (Conclusion), Names of Jesus IntroductionNames of Jesus: The Redeemer, Names of Jesus: The Vine,

Come see glimpses from our week, including the progress on our prayer hut, which turns out to be less a hut, and more a house! This house of prayer will be such a blessing.

We have a praise report for Otelia this week! We’ve also been packing grocery bags for food distribution next week! And picking up gifts from the kids that our donors have sent, and gathering our supplies for our Christmas party for the Escualita! We won’t’ be able to do parties in all the areas because of covid,

A recap of all our featured posts this week. Catch up on the Q&A, the daily Psalms, and articles. This week, we featured Mary’s Christmas Story Part 1Mary’s Christmas Story,  Part 2The Feast of Hanukkah, History, And Prophecy, A Christmas Message,