Week in review April 21 2018

We are in India! This week we hosted our second VBS with the kids of our Children’s Church. It’s been so amazing to see all the Lord is doing in the lives of these little ones. They are so very precious. There are 25-30 children who come to our Children’s Church. This year they asked if they could invite other children for our week of VBS. We of course said yes! We expected about 5-10 extra kids, but we had over 70 new kids show up! We had to run immediately and buy more material and food! The kids are so exited about sharing how much Jesus loves us with their friends!
The internet here is very slow, and unreliable so I can’t do a full post. And I’ve only been able to upload two photos. I’ll do a full post when I can get to an area with faster internet.
Thank you so much for your prayers! Please keep praying for our time here.
God bless you!
♥ Samantha
Here’s a recap of this week’s featured posts, in case you missed any:
Commentary on the Psalms
- The End Times Kingdom
- Did Jesus Appear In The Old Testament?
- Seeking A Ministry Opportunity
- The Language Of Heaven
- Why Don’t They See It?
- Am I Saved?
- Why Do We Still Sin?
- Why Let Them Be Born?
- Deliberate Disfigurement?
- Understanding Psalm 8
- An Angel Of The Lord
- Forgiveness, Follow Up
- Preaching The Gospel In Every Language
- The Holy Spirit In Daniel’s 70th Week
- Looking Upon Satan