Week in review January 26 2019

Our outreaches continue in India and Mexico! And on the site, as always, we’re learning the Word. Continue reading for photos from our outreaches this week as well as a recap of all the posts on the site.
We’re in India! Thank you for your prayers! It was a long time, and so many flights to arrive, but we are so blessed to be back and see first hand how the Lord is blessing our people here.
They were a tribe of outcasts, with no options but to send their children to beg in the streets all day while they also begged, or worked in dangerous jobs other locals would not do. Because of your prayers and support, all their lives have changed dramatically. And now they have the hope and joy and love that only comes from Jesus. All their children attend school! The moms are learning to read in our Literacy Center. It’s amazing to behold and I’m so very grateful we get to be a part of what the Lord is doing here!
This week, little Joel had an appointment to get his eyes checked.
The doctors were concerned that the large tumor they removed had damaged his optic nerve and that Joel would need glasses eventually.
It’s been such a blessing to see how quickly the women are learning to read! They are dedicated and practice long hours and the Lord has been blessing and multiplying their efforts.
We visited the village where we’re covering the rest of the huts for families in need. Soon, every single one will have been covered! That means the entire village will stay dry from the rains!
Scenes from our Sunday service:
We gave each of the children Bible Study coloring books to go along with their lessons. We’ve found that when they color while learning, they remember it better. We have many children attending from outside the tribe and from non-Christian families. These kids like to take the books home and teach their families and neighbors what they have learned.
Our fellowship lunch:
Our leadership planning meeting
Joel’s mom, Rathna, and his baby sister are doing well! The hospital gave her special protein and vitamin supplements to help her while she’s nursing.
Prayer service:
So many lives have been changed forever because of your prayers and support.
Thank you for keeping us, this ministry and our outreaches in prayer, and thank you for your support! We couldn’t do any of this without you.
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God bless you!
♥ Samantha
Here’s a recap of this week’s featured posts, in case you missed any:
Commentary on the Psalms
- Did Secret Societies Write The Bible?
- Questions About John’s Letters
- King James Only?
- Ghost Hunting
- Obey God Or My Parents?
- The Scarlet Ribbon
- Portals To God?
- Is He Really A Believer?
- What Does Hebrews 10:38 Say?
- The Prophecy Of Caiaphas
- Who Is Speaking In Proverbs 8?
- Did God Punish Cain’s Wife?
- Who’s Speaking In Proverbs 8, Follow Up
- Amos, The Philistines, And Psalm 83
- With Jesus Or In Limbo?