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Peace Among The Animals

Published: February 8, 2022 (Originally published: January 7, 2013)

I have heard it preached that there will come a time when the earth will be restored to its original state (before the fall) and all animals will be at peace with one another. I love to watch wildlife programs but I do wish they wouldn’t kill each other! What is your teaching on this please?

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Explaining Hebrews 8:11. Follow Up

Published: February 9, 2022 (Originally published: January 10, 2013)

Re: Explaining Hebrews 8:11. I am confused about your answer. It appears to cast this verse as if it is addressed to the church today, yet the preceding verses specifically the New Covenant will be with the House of Israel and the House of Judah (vs.8). Verse 10 stipulates their “New Covenant” will be after “those days”. I understand “those days” to be referring to those days where Israel and Judah have completed the 70th week of Daniel chap. 9. For the entire 70 weeks will be under the Old Covenant. This seems to place Heb. 8: 8-12 in the future.

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Restoring The Kingdom

Published: February 9, 2022 (Originally published: January 11, 2013)

In your study on the Book of Ezekiel you said,

“Although God had known from the beginning of time that Israel would reject the Messiah’s offer of the Kingdom, it was a bona fide offer just the same, and had they accepted it, the prophecies from Ezekiel 36 would have been fulfilled at that time. But they didn’t and the door was opened to the Gentiles, in part to make them envious.”

So, if Israel had accepted Jesus as their Messiah and the Kingdom age (the Millennium) would have begun then, it sounds like Jesus’ death on the cross would not have been necessary. How then would the sins of mankind have been atoned for? “for without the shedding of blood there is no remission of sins”

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Fill Or Replenish?

Published: February 9, 2022 (Originally published: January 13, 2013)

God tells both Adam and Eve (Genesis 1:28) and Noah (Genesis 9:1) to “Be fruitful and multiply and replenish the Earth. Does the word replenish have the same meaning for both? Did Adam and Eve replenish or fill the earth?

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What Is Our Accountability?

Published: February 10, 2022 (Originally published: January 13, 2013)

How much should we be standing up as Christians today and are we going to be held accountable?

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If Not Eve, Then Someone Else?

Published: February 10, 2022 (Originally published: January 14, 2013)

If Eve had not been deceived, nor given the fruit to Adam–if they had obeyed God–would one of their children or grandchildren have been deceived? If God’s plan was to prove Himself just and loving, then someone had to sin and need redemption, right?

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Lower Than The Angels?

Published: February 10, 2022 (Originally published: January 14, 2013)

My question today is from Hebrews 2:9: “But we see Jesus, who was made a little lower than the angels….” How can that be and what does this mean? God bless you.


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Could Adam Have Been Eve’s Redeemer?

Published: February 11, 2022 (Originally published: January 14, 2013)

If Adam had refused the forbidden fruit could he have become the complete model of the messiah by acting as Eve’s redeemer?

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The Leaves Of The Tree Of Life

Published: February 11, 2022 (Originally published: January 17, 2013)

I know when we get to Heaven we will have our glorified bodies. But will the tribulation saints have their glorified bodies also or will they still be in the flesh? I remember reading the Bible and it said when they got sick they will have to touch the leaves to recover. So does that mean only the church will have glorified bodies or will we all have glorified bodies?

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Where And When Is The Bema Seat Judgment?

Published: February 11, 2022 (Originally published: January 19, 2013)

Recently I’ve been asked for biblical references as to why I believe that the bema seat judgment will take place during the Tribulation (or Daniel’s 70th Week). Obviously, I believe that the Rapture will happen before those seven years start. And, although I can find the references that say that there will be a judgment for believers, I haven’t been able to nail down ones indicating the timing. Could you point me in the right direction?