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Are Spirits Of The Dead Awake?

Published: June 20, 2023 (Originally published: June 13, 2009)

Just when I think I am getting things cleared I read your article about being awake or asleep at death and now I have a question. Paul’s statements about going and being with the Lord says nothing about being awake or aware. Is it just the breath of life as some have suggested or are we there in spirit waiting for the resurrection of our bodies to be reunited with them?

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A Question About Eternity

Published: June 20, 2023 (Originally published: June 13, 2009)

I was reading Revelation again for the umpteenth time again and something struck me different. I was under the impression that when eternity begins, the entire 4 dimensions we live in will be destroyed. IE in eternity all things will either be 1) in the lake of fire or 2) in heaven (that exists outside our time domain) and there is no other possibility of any other location. Upon reading it again it appears to say that the new heaven and new earth that were created at the beginning of the millennial reign will continue for eternity. Am I missing something?

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Spiritual Man Or Law Man?

Published: June 21, 2023 (Originally published: June 14, 2009)

When the Holy Spirit convicts a person of one of their “multiple” sins and repentance follows to the point of not doing it anymore (removing the plank from one’s own eye), and out of a true heart of wanting others to do the same (on any given sin), how does a person come across as “graceful” without sounding like a Pharisee or too much like the “letter of the law”?

Seems like I get convicted by the Holy Spirit all the time of sounding like a “lawman” rather than a “spiritual” man. Even though Jesus gave us the new commandment of “love God and love your neighbor”, the NT is still filled with “do’s and don’ts” that sound a lot like laws. I don’t believe they are true written laws but are used to identify the means of fighting the flesh.

I’m finding this is probably my biggest and most fought struggle, trying to speak the language of “Grace!” without being thought of as a “better than thou” type person. And I don’t just go up to a person and say “hey you need to quit doing that”. I do try and find more subtle ways but seem to always end up in “lawman” mode.

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The Will Of My Father

Published: June 21, 2023 (Originally published: June 14, 2009)

I would appreciate an explanation of Matt. 7:21 in relationship to salvation. If you accept Christ’s gift of grace, and turn your life over to him, can you lose your salvation if you don’t do the will of God?

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What Does Born Of Water Mean?

Published: June 21, 2023 (Originally published: June 15, 2009)

John 3:5 says that unless a man be born of water and of the spirit he can’t enter the Kingdom of God. What water is he referring to?

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Does Mark 16 Belong In The Bible?

Published: June 22, 2023 (Originally published: June 15, 2009)

I have heard that Mark 16:9-20 does not belong in the Bible. When I looked this up on the internet, it would appear that many people hold to that idea also but go on to say that the fact that it appears in most Bibles is no problem as it does not affect and doctrinal beliefs. Now, I’m no scholar nor do I even remotely have a handle on history but I would think that this would cause a problem.

Now, don’t get me wrong, I believe in God and his son Jesus and what he did on the cross, however, this gives me an uneasy feeling. The Bible is supposed to be inspired by God and yet there are verses placed in that were not in the original transcripts to begin with. So, where did they come from? How did they get there? Why was this allowed?

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Mansions on Earth?

Published: June 22, 2023 (Originally published: June 16, 2009)

One pastor recently said,

“In the Millennium, we who will be raptured will live in earthly mansions that are already on Earth, and the first preferences of occupying them are ours as rulers with Christ!”

Is this true? According to 1 Thes. 4:16-17 and 1 Corinthians 15:52 – after Rapture, we will be in glorified spirit bodies which do not require physical accommodations on earth, right? We can be anywhere in the universe in a split second. It is mentioned in the Scripture that the Lord Jesus, after resurrection, appeared at least eleven times. There is no record of the Lord Jesus having a physical accommodation all these times. I believe spirit bodies do not require any accommodation as the Lord did not have a residential address after resurrection, until ascension.

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What’s My Spiritual Gift?

Published: June 22, 2023 (Originally published: June 16, 2009)

I have been reading your section on spiritual gifts & I know from reading the Word that, as a Christian, I have a gift. How do I find out what my gift is? The church I attend is “big” on speaking in tongues & at one time I thought I had received this gift – not so sure anymore. The one I desire is the gift of prophecy … is that desire indicative of prophecy being my gift? Any insight would be appreciated. By the way, I assume teaching is your gift?

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The Three Questions Of Matt. 24 Follow Up

Published: June 23, 2023 (Originally published: June 17, 2009)

In the article (The 3 Questions Of Matt. 24) a statement was made: “the absence of any reference to the Church shows us that we won’t be here during the time He was talking about.”

How do you validate this principle of omission as truth? It certainly is not found in the Bible as a teaching. If it is, tell me where. I can use that principle anywhere in the Bible and it proves nothing, it seems to me to be only conjecture. Not everybody that witnessed the events in the Bible were mentioned by the writers. Therefore it wasn’t important enough to know or God did not want us to know. Some things are a mystery and should stay that way unless there is positive proof of subsequent revelation in the Bible.

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Are God And Allah The Same?

Published: June 23, 2023 (Originally published: June 18, 2009)

While subbing in a Sunday School class a member declared that Allah and The God of the Bible were the same. He said that Muslims, Christians, and Jews worship the same God by other names. I know that Allah arises out of the pagan gods of Babylon but I need back-up proof when I challenge that statement. Can you help me once more?