Ask a Bible Teacher

Interpreting 1 John 5:16-17

Published: January 6, 2016

I’m having some difficulty understanding what’s being spoken of in 1 John 5:16,17. What is the sin leading to death? Why should we not pray about it? What is meant by there being sin not leading to death? Any help you could give me would be appreciated. God bless your ministry.

Attacks Of Doubt. Follow Up

Published: January 6, 2016

Re: Attacks Of Doubt. This question and your answer was very timely and helped me a great deal since I struggle with this as well. However, as is often the case, your answer leads me to explore another question. I have been wondering about Satan’s ability to cause these doubts. Can Satan or his fallen angels actually impress thoughts on our minds? How do they cause these doubts to enter our thoughts? Satan I know is not omnipresent so therefore cannot be everywhere at once, so he must rely on his fallen angels.

Biblically Illiterate 2.0

Published: January 6, 2016

A well known commentator on Jewish history has said that most Jews do not understand the Tanakh (Old Testament) because they only study the Talmud and Mishna. He suggests that one of the early reasons for blindness is that the Jews don’t understand their own scriptures. What is your understanding?

Attacks Of Doubt

Published: January 6, 2016

I believe in Jesus as my personal savior who died for all my sins, and when I really think about it, I’m sure of it. But I still get attacked in my mind about whether I actually believe it, which concerns me. I do believe in Jesus, yet these thoughts make me worried and uncertain at times. I believe they’re lies from the devil, but how can I get rid of those thoughts and be more certain about my salvation in my mind?

Are All Our Sins Covered?

Published: January 6, 2016

I believe your teaching that Jesus’ payment for my sins covers all of my sins from birth to death. Why do some teachers teach that the Lord’s death only covers one’s past sins, and we are personally responsible for our future ones?

Can These Things Be True?

Published: January 6, 2016

I found your website accidentally one day in November and have been reading things from it since then. I’m beginning to see a lot of pieces come together in a way that make more sense to me than ever before. But in looking at other things on the internet I’ve come across some really outrageous claims like Paul was a big liar and the Jesus we worship is not the real Jesus, and so on. I have always defended the fact that God is capable of keeping his word true through all these years. So please reaffirm this for me.

Choose One Or The Other

Published: January 3, 2016

My father has been extremely ill. He has been at the hospital for more then 3 weeks, in a CCU unit. At this point in time, the doctors and nurses have little hope for him. I have been praying a lot this week to lord Shiva (A supreme god of destruction and rejuvenation) to heal my father and bestow a miracle to him. I also have Jesus in my life, and he has blessed my life numerous times before, and now I am praying to both of these gods. What can I do to make sure god hears my prayers, so that he may heal and watch over my father?


How Can I Tell If It’s His Will?

Published: January 3, 2016

The Lord Jesus Christ, has blessed me daily at your web site. Here is my question that I have asked many people. If a person truly seeks to do GODS perfect will, how can you know for sure that what happens, is HIS perfect will?

The Good Shepherd

Published: January 3, 2016

I’m endeavoring to understand John 10:1-18 better because of the prevalence of the “prosperity gospel”. My specific question has to do with that last part of John 10:9 “He will come in and go out, and find pasture. ” Since its a parable, where are the Lord’s people going in and out from and what is the pasture (good pasture in KJV)? I’ve studied it and have read some commentators, but I’ve I’m not yet satisfied I’ve found a good or complete answer.

What Would Jesus Do?

Published: January 3, 2016

I have a serious problem and don’t know what to do about it. My father passed away recently. It was very sudden, and ever since then my mother has been very nasty to me and my husband. I pray for her everyday, but recently it got so bad I finally sat down and told God that I was turning everything over to him since I couldn’t handle the burden any longer. I thought that by doing that I would feel better but I don’t. What you think I should do?