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You searched for: bema seat

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When Is The Day Of Visitation?

Published: June 14, 2010 (Originally published: June 13, 2010)

Could you help me out here please? In 1 Pet 2: 9-12 describe one reason or purpose of our good works…that is glorify God in the day of visitation. When is that day? Is it now or the time of judgment to all nations?

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Is There A Ruling Class In Heaven?

Published: August 21, 2023 (Originally published: August 2, 2013)

My question is based on 2 Tim 2.12. Its a popular view in my church that if you suffer in this life, and respond well to it, you will be rewarded by becoming part of a ruling class in heaven. This sound fine except that isn’t it true that all members of the church will enjoy the same privilege regardless of their life experience (Rev. 1:6)? I am not able to find support for such a hierarchy of believers in Heaven. Is there such a thing?

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What About Tribulation And Millennial Saints?

Published: May 18, 2013 (Originally published: May 17, 2013)

Since the Bema will have already been passed, where is the judgment for Tribulation & Millennium saints? I think it must be the Great White Throne, but so many teach that that is only for unbelievers. What do you think?

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Judgment For The Church

Published: October 26, 2016 (Originally published: October 4, 2009)

In a recent Sunday School discussion, the teacher stated that she believed that everyone would have to stand before God at the Great White Throne Judgment. I disagree. I believe it only applies to the unsaved who are resurrected at the end of the millennium. Please help me find the scriptures to explain correctly what happens to the church that has been raptured before the tribulation.

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Judgment For Tribulation Saints?

Published: September 22, 2014 (Originally published: September 22, 2014)

I love your site! I understand all the coming judgments, such as the Bema Seat, Great White Throne etc. But I cannot seem to find how the Tribulation Saints, the saints that are martyred in the last 3 1/2 years, are judged? Or are they? Thank you for your help.

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Giving Account To The Lord

Published: February 27, 2016 (Originally published: March 1, 2016)

The Bible states that on Judgment Day, everyone (those who’ve accepted Jesus as well as those who haven’t) will give an account for every thought, word, and deed either good, bad or indifferent. My question is: WHY? When I go before God to give my account, to what end does it serve? Even if He gives me total recall of everything, I know none of my answers are good enough to satisfy Him, and I know what a wretched mess I am. What’s the point?

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Paradise And Torment

Published: October 15, 2014 (Originally published: September 12, 2006)

As I understand it when we die (and this includes all who have died before now) our spirit leaves our physical bodies and goes to either heaven or hell.

When the ‘end of the days’ occurs we will get resurrected bodies. So this means, in the interim period, that we have no bodies in heaven/hell, just a spirit?

Also the bible talks about the ‘great white throne judgment’, for non-believers and the ‘bema seat’ judgment for believers, and the bible appears to state that these judgments also occur at the ‘end of days’. So does this mean that people who have already died (e.g. Hitler) who would appear to going straight to hell, are not there yet?

Also, on a similar matter, what are your views on people who have’ died’ and ‘gone to heaven’ then been revived? My view is that once their spirit actually leaves their bodies then they’re dead and will stay that way (unless God supernaturally revives them). So maybe what these people ‘see’ is some sort of vision, similar to those that Paul and John saw, rather than actually ‘going to heaven? After all, they haven’t been judged yet?

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2012. More Follow Up

Published: September 9, 2009 (Originally published: September 9, 2009)

At the end of last week’s feature article “2012 … The End of the World?” you quoted Amos 5:18-20. Considering 2 Timothy 4:8, how are the two verses reconciled?

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Crowns Of Victory, Crowns Of Gold

Published: April 26, 2016 (Originally published: May 1, 2016)

I have a question about the crowns that the church is awarded at the Bema Seat after the rapture. Revelation 4:4 states that the twenty four elders , which represent the church, will have crowns of gold. Then in Rev. 4:10, the crowns are translated from the Greek word stephanos; crowns made of ivy, olive leaves, flowers etc. I know that stephanos crowns are victors crowns. what are your thoughts on this?

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More On Judging The Church

Published: April 6, 2016 (Originally published: April 22, 2016)

I have a question about our judgment before the Millennium. When we get raptured we receive our immortal body which is already the gift of eternal life as I understand it. What will we then be judged on at his second coming? And what other gifts will we receive at this time? Is this possibly the time we will get assigned to our position/level in Heaven and the gift we receive will determine our position?