Ask a Bible Teacher

More On The Wave Offering

Published: February 10, 2023

I had a friend ask me today what was the “wave offering”. I had to tell her that I have never heard of it. Would you please give me some insight on this topic. Appreciate your ministry in helping us to gain a greater knowledge of God’s Word.

Is “Prepping” Biblical?

Published: February 10, 2023

In Luke 22:36 the Lord told the disciples to prepare themselves for their upcoming life in ministry. Also, in Matthew 24: 15-25 Israel is warned how to respond to coming dangers at the Mid Tribulation point. What I have not been able to find is any reason for the church to stock up and prepare, beyond a reasonable amount, for difficult times we may endure before the rapture. Wouldn’t Jesus have warned us as well if this is the case? Am I just missing it or is “prepping” actually a lack of faith in the Lord’s ability to protect and provide for his children?

The Bema Seat Judgment

Published: February 9, 2023

I read gracethrufaith all the time, and I have a question re: the church’s judgment where we receive our rewards etc. I think someone called it the bema seat judgment or something like that. Do you know about that? Where can I find reference to it in the Bible?

Is My Daughter Still Saved?

Published: February 9, 2023

After reading your answers on the age of accountability being around 13 (or puberty) I can logically agree with that. My question is; what if a child accepts Christ prior to the age of accountability. For instance my daughter accepted Christ and was baptized by her own choice around 8 years of age. She is an adult now and does not believe Jesus is the only way to heaven and she is also a lesbian. Does once saved always saved apply to her?

What Was Jesus Warning Them About?

Published: February 9, 2023

In Matt; 24:15 Jesus warned those in Judea to flee into the wilderness when they see the Abomination of Desolation. This will be in the middle of the 70th Week and begins the Great Tribulation. Two questions come to mind regarding this urgency. Why just those in Judea and what are they fleeing from?

Talking Animals?

Published: February 8, 2023

Recently it struck me that although the Bible doesn’t refer to animals speaking to humans in the Garden, Eve’s reaction seems to me very strange. If other animals talked, then Satan’s conversation wouldn’t have necessarily seemed out of place. But, if none of the animals talked it would have been quite a shock. If an animal began speaking right now to you and you hadn’t seen that ability in other animals wouldn’t you at least think it was strange and perhaps talk to God about it before you responded to the animal?

What If I Divorce Her?

Published: February 8, 2023

I have been married for 9 years. Last year I discovered my wife lost her virginity to a non-believer 3 weeks before our wedding. God had revealed it to me in a dream prior to the wedding, but she had denied ever sleeping with any one. The question is if I choose to divorce her will I commit a sin? What about the forgiveness of 70 times 7?

When Does The Wedding Supper Happen?

Published: February 7, 2023

I’ve run into a problem with the timing of the Wedding supper and Matt 26:29. Rev 19:9 is kind of vague, coming as it does with the return of Christ with His bride verses in chapter 19. But the bigger issue is what is meant by “…when I drink it new with you in My Father’s kingdom,” in reference to the 4th cup of wine, the wedding feast cup.

Sickness And Curses

Published: February 7, 2023

I have two questions that have been troubling me for quite some time. The first concerns healing. Throughout the New Testament it appears that more often than not when Jesus heals or directs the Apostles or the 70 to heal it is accompanied by casting out devils. My question is this. I would like to know if you believe any, most or all sickness, disease and infirmities are the result of demonic activity and if you believe casting out devils should be used along with prayer for the sick. We seem to be such failures in praying for the sick.

The second question is this. I believe Jesus has redeemed us from the curse of the Law. Our relationship with Him is based on faith and not works. I would like to know if you believe it is possible for Christians to be cursed or live under a curse – generational, etc. Do you believe curses can be a reality that must be dealt with or do you believe it is a tactic of the enemy whose goal is to cause us to doubt our freedom from the curse?

Was My Baptism Voided?

Published: February 7, 2023

I accepted Jesus Christ as my Savior when I was 16 years old and got baptized in water. However about 7 years ago I found myself in a different city and couldn’t find a Christian church close enough to where I lived. One day I met some really nice people from a Mormon church and was so amazed at how their main focus was the family that I decided to attend their church. Eventually I ended up getting baptized since they told me that my first baptism was not a proper one and I was still not saved. I since have found a Christian church and found my way back to God. Do I need to get baptized again? What if the baptism in the Mormon church robbed me of my salvation and I need to get baptized again because the first one was voided?