Does Satan Answer Our Prayers?
Published: December 30, 2022A well known and very respected minister once said in a sermon, “Satan often sends some good things into your life to get you walking in the direction he wants.” I know that Satan masquerades as an angel of light and not all miracles are from God. Can and does Satan answer our prayers?
Living In Safety?
Published: December 30, 2022I was reading Ezekiel 38 again and ran across the statement of Israel dwelling safely when Gog and Magog war begins. I thought that Israel returned to God during the war and that until they returned to Him they would not dwell safely.
Why Didn’t They Have Any Money?
Published: December 29, 2022Why is it that Jesus and his family didn’t have anything when the Magi brought them the treasure Daniel had left for them? Or is it that I have missed some thing?
Controversy Over John 8
Published: December 29, 2022Thank you so much for being a continued source of reference.
I was in a conversation today with a gnostic and asked him what his point of view was on scripture. After some discussion he tried to tell me that there are inaccuracies in scripture. One of the things he brought up was that the “cast the first stone” story from John 8 wasn’t in the original mms and was added by the Catholic church as part of a conspiracy later. I told him that I was aware that it wasn’t in the older copies of John, but was in the older copies of Luke (which is how I understand it) He didn’t seem to believe that. I then told him that 2 Timothy 3:16 says that scripture is God breathed and that God would not allow His word to be corrupted to which he just replied “yeah, but it was.” Can you offer any more ammunition other than just knowing that he’s clinging to his a prior mind set regardless of the evidence presented?
George And More George
Published: December 28, 2022I was wondering if you could explain to me if Gog and Magog mean “George and More George”. I was told that by a friend of mine. I don’t believe it though. It was supposed to be translated from the Hebrew. She also said no one could understand the interpretation of the bible if you didn’t know Hebrew. I also disagree with that statement. Thank you for your time.
Is Belief In God Enough?
Published: December 28, 2022If Damascus is destroyed and there is a retaliation against Israel, will the Jews that do not believe in Jesus but believe in the G-d Head Father, go to Heaven, if they are killed?
Wearing Jewelry
Published: December 28, 2022I am sure you must know about some churches which do not permit wearing gold or ornaments. Can you please explain this belief to me as to where it came from and if its actually true or not…..Can you give me some scriptural references along with it too.
Thank you ever so much for all the help.
The Anointed Cherub
Published: December 26, 2022I am a little confused about this bit of the commentary on the fourth chapter of Revelation:
In the center, around the throne, were four living creatures, and they were covered with eyes, in front and in back. The first living creature was like a lion, the second was like an ox, the third had a face like a man, the fourth was like a flying eagle. Each of the four living creatures had six wings and was covered with eyes all around, even under his wings. Day and night they never stop saying: “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty, who was, and is, and is to come.” (Rev. 4:6-8) These are the four cherubim who guard the throne of God.
In the beginning there were five, but their leader betrayed both them and his trust, rebelling against God and causing the introduction of a second will in the universe. We call him by his primary activity, Satan, (it means accuser in Hebrew) but in Ezekiel 28:14 he’s called “the anointed cherub.”
Where did you get your information for this statement? I have looked in the word and I haven’t seen anything, I might be looking in the wrong place. Could you help?
Please Explain Genesis 3:15
Published: December 26, 2022Can you please explain the following verse regarding God’s prophesy about Eve in Genesis 3:15 to me please?
“And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; he shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.”