Ask a Bible Teacher

Why Do People Fear Prophecy?

Published: November 17, 2022

Thank you so much for opening Bible prophecy to those who earnestly seek understanding. Why do so many Christians avoid the Bible’s end time prophecies? From reading the Olivet Discourse, I understand that the Lord WANTS us to know the signs of the times…to be watchful. Is it fear? Or don’t they want it to come true? I get excited when I see prophecy coming true! We who study prophecy realize our redemption draweth nigh. Your thoughts?

A Big Circle Or A Straight Path?

Published: November 16, 2022

I grew up thinking that God and his infinite wisdom had a set plan for every single person. That there were a skinny little path, a perfect will that no body could possibly get. Now I knew I wouldn’t get it to be perfect, but I figured that I needed to get as close to the “Right Path” as possible. It really brings a lot of fear in me when I start thinking that I’m on the wrong path for Gods will.

A friend said that our walk isn’t really a straight path, but more of a giant circle. We’re traveling in that circle in any direction and no matter what, we are still in Gods will. No matter what path we chose, even if it’s a horrible one, God will still have us end in the end where he intended us to be. Is this true?

I know Gods will cannot be thwarted, but we can refuse to do what he asks right? If so, then he isn’t all powerful right? I’m slightly confused.


What If I’m Not Worthy?

Published: November 16, 2022

I am one of those who aren’t excited about the rapture because of a secret fear I won’t qualify to go, even though I’ve been a born again believer for many years. I know I don’t deserve to escape the punishment due me and I worry that at the rapture the Lord will agree with my assessment and leave me here. What can those of us with these fears do to overcome them?

Is God Punishing Me?

Published: November 16, 2022

I am in my mid 20’s and am struggling with sexual immorality. I truly believe in my heart that I want to live a life of obedience to the Lord which is pleasing to him. At the same time, I am single and I feel my struggles are directly due to me being alone. I have always believed there was somebody out there that I was meant to be with, but I fear that because of my struggles, the Lord may withhold her from me or withhold any other blessings from me as well.

Am I Really Saved?

Published: November 15, 2022

I was about 12 years old when I was saved. I remember knowing I was lost and needed to be saved. I thought my heart was going to beat out of my chest. I went to the altar and the pastor asked did I want Jesus to come into my heart and I said yes. I was sincere about this. I know that I confessed that I believed that Jesus died on the cross for me and was raised from the dead.

I am now 32 years old and wonder was this enough to save me. I know that I am a sinner and I believe with all my heart that Jesus is Lord. I just get confused sometimes that I didn’t do something right. Please help me dispel the doubt and fear that gets to me.

Trusting God

Published: November 15, 2022

Earlier this year, I was hit head on by a heroin user which totaled my car and had me laid up in bed for a month. Miraculously, I was not killed or permanently injured but now I have fear of driving and question the Lord’s protection at all. I know He controls the orbit of our lives and can remove His protection as He did with Job for His reasons. What should I learn from this experience and how can I trust a loving God who allows me to go through this kind of pain and mistrust? I am not being disrespectful, I really took a hit. Is there protection in the blood of Jesus?

Our Spirit And God’s. Follow Up

Published: November 15, 2022

Re: Our Spirit and God’s. You said we’re born with our spirit attuned to the Spirit of God. I understand that Jesus commanded us to be born again (in the spirit). Why do we need to be re-born when God had already formed our spirit during conception? Is our original attuned spirit inferior to the required ‘born-again’ spirit?

My Cross To Bear?

Published: November 14, 2022

My question is regarding crosses we have to bear. I recently had a conversation with a friend regarding her struggle with anxiety. She has prayed for god to remove the cause of her anxiety and constantly seeks prayer for this. When she still struggles with the anxiety she feels that it is a cross she has to bear and believes that we all have a cross to bear. I don’t agree with her, I don’t believe that God gives us crosses to bear, he came to free us from fear and anxiety and to make our burdens light. She said God gave Paul a thorn in the flesh and didn’t take it away. Could you shed some light on this matter and is it scriptural?

Explaining Hebrews 8:11

Published: November 14, 2022

Thank you for your wonderful web site, I have learned so much. It’s very exciting for me to be able to go to gracethrufaith and learn everyday. I am not an evangelist. It just isn’t a gift I have. I love to talk about the grace of Jesus with my friends and fellow believers but when it comes to evangelizing to others I seem to fall short. Would you please explain Hebrews 8:11 in the context of the new covenant God has made for us?

Our Spirit And God’s

Published: November 14, 2022

I just read your reply to the question Does God Create Every Person? I agree that God does not create each of our bodies but “the process of procreation was designed and instituted by God.” I believe, however, that our spirits which we receive while in the womb were created by God. What is your thinking on this?