Ask a Bible Teacher

A Marriage Counseling Question

Published: July 18, 2022

God bless you and your continuing work. I have a marriage question for you from a pastor’s perspective.

When and how does an illegitimate marriage move from being cursed to being blessed by God? For example, a believing wife divorces her believing husband without biblical grounds, and then shortly remarries an unbelieving husband. Now the woman is dealing with all manner of abuse issues including physical. This woman has recently been attending our church, with all these initial events in her past, and her remarriage is about a year old. She is a sincere but immature believer, dealing with the consequences of her sin the best she knows how, while living in pain and anguish.

I am unsure of the right pastoral counsel to give her concerning her marriage situation. She is hoping that her current husband will give his heart to Christ, but is that all that is needed? What is her responsibility to God and to her previous husband with regard to repentance? Is it simply a matter of her confessing and all will be made well? I understand that through confession she can receive individual forgiveness and purification, but does that mean that God will then move to heal her marriage as well, or will her marriage remain under a curse no matter what?

Mansions For All?

Published: July 14, 2022

I have a question that’s been on my mind lately concerning Heaven and our mansion that’s mentioned in John 14:2. I was taught that this verse means each of us will have our own personal mansion. What does that say about our earthly family, particularly my wife. Will she have her own mansion? I know that the Bible tells us that there is no marriage or giving in marriage in heaven but can you explain to me how our lives will be in heaven if we’re all in separate mansions? What, if any, kind of social atmosphere will exist? Praising our Lord will be one activity, but will there be others as well?

Harry Potter

Published: July 13, 2022

We have Christian friends who allow their children to watch and read the Harry Potter series. How can we explain to them that this isn’t innocent children’s stories? God Bless you!

Servant Or Bride?

Published: July 13, 2022

Thank you so much for your wisdom and insight into the Bible. In one of your articles I remember you saying that trib believers would have different eternal rewards than the Church. I think this was from the letters to the seven churches in Revelation, but I think I see it wrong.

It said that the church in Philadelphia would be made into a pillar in the temple of God, never leaving it and always being a servant there while those in the church in Laodicea would be seated on the right of God. I am most confused by this because the impression I got was that those roles would be reversed, unless all believers’ rewards are the same.

Sign Of The Prophet Jonah

Published: July 13, 2022

Thank you for taking the time answer our questions. I was reading Luke 11:29-30. It is the passage where the crowds asked Jesus for a sign, but answering them, Jesus said that no sign would be given them except the sign of Jonah. I’m a little baffled as to why Jesus would phrase it this way since He’d been doing miracles left and right all this time. Weren’t those signs as well?

Matters Of The Heart

Published: July 12, 2022

I love the Lord and his word; today while reading Proverbs 16 the word heart struck me again. How can this be, does the heart think? Am I thinking too literally?

The sinners prayer, If you believe in your heart and confess with your tongue that Jesus is Lord.

Proverbs 16:1 To man belong the plans of the heart but from the Lord the reply of the tongue.

:21 The wise in heart…, 23 A wise man’s heart….

Thank you in advance for your help.

Can We Know We’re Correct?

Published: July 12, 2022

I’ve got a friend who I’ve been explaining Christianity to, now he’s listening and wants to know why Christianity is correct, over all the other religions.

He said, “What I also don’t understand is – with the hundreds upon hundreds of religions out there, all based in their own mythology and convinced of their own righteousness – how can you be so certain that YOUR religion is the correct one?”

Can you help me bring it home to him? I know the Bible is backed by prophecy that’s come true, but I don’t know how to say it right!

Is Church Hopping A Sin?

Published: July 12, 2022

Is being a church hopper and wanderer a sinful practice? For years I have been going round all the churches in different areas going from one to the other,and never settling anywhere for more than a few weeks at a time and it has now earned me a bad name. I’m known all over the place for being a wanderer and I find I am disliked for it.

What can I do about putting things right as I have recently become a Christian and have confessed of this sin before God, as well as all my others and have asked Jesus Christ into my heart and life to be my Lord and Saviour. I have been told that it is really wrong in Gods eyes to be going from church to church, and back and forth one to another. What are your views on this?

The Widow And The Oil. Follow Up

Published: July 11, 2022

In The Widow And The Oil you said, “The widow and her sons hadn’t done anything to earn this.” Are you sure about that? She offered no sacrifices or other works? Was there no display of faith? Was this the widow who gave her last bit of food to the Prophet, and prepared to die?

80 Books Or 66?

Published: July 11, 2022

I have a question about the bible in print. The KJV Bible of 1611 contained many books that were removed before the 1625 reprint. I do under stand that some of the books may not have been from the Holy Spirit and pertained more to the time they were written as a history book would. I have been told that the Jews still follow some of these books today. As Christians are we to stay away from these books that were removed or is it OK to read them if we understand they may not have been from the Holy Spirit?