Ask a Bible Teacher

Judging Teachers More Strictly

Published: June 30, 2022

We have a short family Bible study every night. We rotate the opening prayer each night between my children so that they learn that they are speaking to a real God and not a figure like Santa Claus. They are attentive, ask questions, and when I go over chapters we studied weeks before they remember what we have studied. My question concerns James 3:1. Am I held to a stricter judgment because we have Bible study as a family and I am teaching my children, or is James speaking of a formal teaching role within the Body of Christ?

Casting The Stones?

Published: June 30, 2022

I recently heard that the stones on the breastplate that the priest wore, were taken out, and cast down, much in the way (for those who practice it) chicken bones are thrown down, to see what God wanted them to do. I was told, “that is the only way they heard from God”. Personally, I don’t believe this. I have never read anywhere in God’s word of the Priest throwing down the stones out of the breast plate. Surely, if God can speak to Moses, and Abraham, He could speak to those High Priests too, couldn’t He,

Where Are The Dead In Christ?

Published: June 30, 2022

Here’s a follow up question concerning your answer to “Who Lives In The Mansions?” Do you think the ‘church age’ saints that have already died are already in this New Jerusalem or are they just in what we normally call heaven and will go to the New Jerusalem at the time of the rapture at the same time the raptured saints do?

God’s New Laws

Published: June 29, 2022

Could you give me all the references to God’s Laws that we are required to follow now? I know about the 10 commandments, loving God and loving others, but I’d like a complete list of them if possible.

Theft By Deception

Published: June 29, 2022

We get yearly season passes to a theme park and it so happens that our church sponsored a youth group outing to this park. My 12-year-old daughter went and a good male friend who is also a family friend went too. The topic came up that the boy could use my pass (which is a photo id) – of me mid 40’s and he could save the price of admission. The park would have probably not checked the id…

Now – what should have been done – Let the boy use the pass or say sorry – that is deception?

Word Of Faith

Published: June 29, 2022

I appreciate your teaching and sharing. What is the “word of faith” belief? What is your opinion of it?

What Is The Mark Of Cain?

Published: June 27, 2022

God bless you and your family, I cannot thank The Lord enough for you and your ministry, service to The Lord and His people. May He increase His grace and blessings to you. Having said this, can you tell me about The mark of Cain?

When Is Intervention Appropriate?

Published: June 27, 2022

My question concerns being concerned about a loved one’s walk with the Lord. When it is obvious that they are continually putting self first or are imprisoned by an addiction, is it considered judging them when I pray for them. My attitude is that if I were in the same condition or position, knowing that I was still loved by them, I would covet their prayers. Sometimes I feel there is such a fine line between concern and judgment, especially when I see them hurting another loved one who is in a weaker position physically and emotionally and even positionally.

What is your understanding in this and at what point is intervention other than prayer required if ever. Is this an impossible question?

OSAS that Isn’t Really OSAS Follow Up

Published: June 24, 2022

Thank you for your wonderful site and the effort and Christian care you put into it.

But now I am confused about the OSAS answer you gave to the recent question posted about that. I always thought that if a person does not experience the conviction of the Holy Spirit about their ongoing sins after saying the prayer that maybe they said it flippantly and did not really mean it.

Of course I know that it’s not up to me to determine whether they meant it or not – that’s God’s job as he sees the heart and we can’t. But it seems as if there is no change in behavior or consciousness, that there is little evidence that they truly have been saved. Please help.

OSAS That Isn’t Really OSAS

Published: June 24, 2022

You are an amazing man of God and I appreciate what Christ is doing through you and your ministry. My question or comment is on eternal security, also called once saved, always saved: OSAS.

Let me first state that I fundamentally believe that we are saved by what we believe and not how we behave. I think that scripture makes that pretty clear.

But I believe we have to be careful how we disseminate that truth to others, and I think that is what has been the BIG problem in the OSAS doctrine. People have put it out there like, “Hey, say a prayer, you’re saved, and live the way you want. Don’t worry, God has forgiven you.”

We have to make sure that people understand that God paid a price to make a change in us “a new creation” and that is something special and beautiful. Does the change take some time and work? Yes, but that is where the Holy Spirit comes in to help us – to convict us! If the person is not feeling the conviction of the Holy Spirit, then all they did is rattle off a prayer and there was no change.

OSAS should not be used as a scapegoat for their behavior. That is making a mockery of our Lords gift. Yes, I believe OSAS if there is a true confession and conversion!

Do you believe that the OSAS doctrine has been misunderstood, and if so what can we do as literal bible believing followers of Christ to change that misunderstanding?