A Calling Or A Gift?
Published: May 25, 2022I have a question I’ve wondered about for a number of years. I have been an intercessor and have always considered it a calling of the Lord to pray in intercession for others. I understood early on in my Christian walk the importance of prayer and have seen a great many of those prayers answered. To God goes the glory for those answered prayers. I seem to know things about a person when I pray for them that I had not known before and I am sure the Holy Spirit gives me what to pray at those times. Is this a calling from the Lord or a gift of the Holy Spirit or both?
Living By Faith
Published: May 24, 2022I’m concerned that “live by faith” has become just a phrase to many including me. It’s easy to say but how does it work in the world? How do we live by faith practically in our routine lives? Somehow I feel I’m missing something really awesome in the practice of living by faith. Can you give some thoughts on this?
Why Does God Allow Pain?
Published: May 24, 2022I wanted to know why does God allow people to suffer pain?
What Does Reprobate Mean?
Published: May 23, 2022What is a reprobate according to scripture? How does one become a reprobate? Can a Christian become reprobate?
Does It Matter Whether I Sin Or Not?
Published: May 23, 2022I have accepted Christ as my Savior but am having trouble with the view that I can continue to commit adultery, to steal, murder or whatever and be in heaven with him. Was his death a licence for me to be able to do all these things and be saved or can his spirit live his life through me and I stop doing these sinful things? Or either way I go I am saved?
I Miss The Presence Of God
Published: May 23, 2022I have been a child of God’s for many years and it has always been a very close and happy relationship. But for the last several years I have been in bad health. Due to severe pain, the doctors have me on so much medication that half of the time I cannot even go to Church. When that happens I do not read the Bible as I used to. It seems like all I do is take medicine and sit or lay down. I feel God is so far from me and does not hear me when I pray. I know that is not right, but that is what I feel. I have prayed that He will show me what I am doing wrong if that is what is keeping me from hearing Him now. What else should I do? I miss His presence so very much.
Pentecost And The Holy Spirit
Published: May 20, 2022I have a question about the Holy Spirit being given at Pentecost. If the apostles received the Holy Spirit on that day, what did they receive when Jesus breathed on them in John 20:22 before His ascension? I am confused about these two events.
When Did The Church Begin?
Published: May 20, 2022When will the people who believed in Jesus- ( disciples, ones that Jesus did miracles for/to and they believed) be caught up for their first resurrection? Are they part of the Old Testament saints but in the New Testament of scripture? If the church doesn’t begin until Pentecost in Acts 2- and Jesus had died, was resurrected, ascended, and was glorified- I just can’t figure out where those believers that walked with Him during His time would fit in!
Passover, Mt. Sinai, And Pentecost
Published: May 20, 2022Where in the Bible does it say Moses was up the mountain 40 days (I thought it did but cannot find it) The thing I am trying to figure out is that Pentecost is 50 (or 49) from the Passover (?) and signifies when Moses went UP the mountain. So if the Passover is on the last night they were in Egypt and Moses going up Mount Sinai refers to Pentecost – How come it was 3 months (90 days) EX 19:1 – to the very day that they arrived at Mount Sinai and not 50 (49) days ? How does that all tie in?
A Word From The Lord
Published: May 19, 2022I believe God gives words to people to encourage and to help and maybe to warn. I just didn’t think he has done so with me, until this last week. I felt the need to pray and write the prayer to an evangelist. It was a specific word for them. I did not receive a reply or comment on my word. It involved healing. Is there any way to confirm that a word was from the Lord, if the other side does not confirm it? Was this a false prophecy and was I listening to the wrong side? Please, any information regarding receiving a word from the Lord would be helpful.