Ask a Bible Teacher

Helping Unbelievers In My Family

Published: December 31, 2021

My brother and his wife are not very well off and have begun remodeling their house on a pay as you go basis. Recently they discovered they are pregnant and at the rate they’re going the baby will come long before the remodeling is complete. Currently the house has only been gutted and would not be safe for a new born. I have some money I could give them so they could complete the house in time, but I don’t know what to do because they are confirmed unbelievers. Would God be pleased with me if I help them, or would it not be His will for me to do this?

When Did (Does) Elijah Come?

Published: December 31, 2021

I grew up in church whose founder believed that he was the Elijah quoted in Malachi 4:5-6. Others have refuted his claims on the basis that Jesus said, “Elijah has already come and you did not recognize him”. But if that were so, why does Malachi 4:5 say ‘before the great and terrible day of the Lord? That sounds like a messenger (Elijah) is meant to show up before the tribulation. I’m no longer a member of this church but I am confused about whether such a messenger is yet to come onto the scene. What do you think?

Does Satan Need God’s Permission to Fulfill Prophecy?

Published: December 30, 2021

Is there Biblical evidence that Satan needs permission to start events that have prophetic significance, or are they not his to start anyway? For example, since everything in Bible prophecy depends on exact timing, and everything has to follow a pre-written plan, even if we as humans do not have all the details, can Satan just have his human comrades escalate events (like rocket fire on Tel Aviv that may lead to Psalm 83) if it isn’t yet time for it, prophetically?

Excessive Use Of Alcohol?

Published: December 29, 2021

In Paul’s short letter to Titus, he mentions 4 times that the people should be sober (Titus 1:8, 2:2, 2:6, 2:12). But in his letter to Timothy, Paul mentions that it is okay to drink a little wine (1 Timothy 5:23). Did the people of Crete have a problem with drinking alcohol in excess? Are born-again Christians considered backslid if they drink alcohol in excess?

Millennium, Heaven Or Earth?

Published: December 29, 2021

I am very confused. Will the thousand year millennium be on earth or in Heaven. If in Heaven will not the earth be dark and desolate for 1000 years?

The Purpose Of The Millennium

Published: December 27, 2021

What is the purpose of the Millennium? To prove man cannot/will not live without rebelling against God? I thought that everybody, God included, already knows that.

Understanding 1 John 5:16-19

Published: December 22, 2021

Thanks for a wonderful site. Please explain or give your view on the verses in the above mentioned Scripture regarding sins not leading to death, sins leading to death and more specifically verse 18.

Not Allowing Our Heart To Be Troubled

Published: December 22, 2021

I’m writing to you today because my family is being hit so very hard by trial after trial, in literally every facet of our lives. Wave after wave hits us, and there is no sign of this letting up any time soon. We’re frustrated, tired, and honestly- troubled. I have been clinging to the peace that only Jesus can give, but when I read John 14:27 today, it was the second half of the verse that gave me pause. “Let not” and “neither let” imply that we have a choice in this when our hearts are troubled. Can you tell me how to not allow my heart to be troubled?

Were The Prophets Saved?

Published: December 21, 2021

I have a weird question of sorts. Normally we say that we can’t tell if someone is truly saved. Can we say anything about the O.T personalities? Like could we say that David, Moses or the Prophets were saved for sure or should we even assume? I was just curious about that.

A Problem With Tithing

Published: December 21, 2021

I am a fairly new Christian. The tithe thing I am having a big problem with. There is no way I could give 10% of my net income yet alone gross income. Do you have any suggestions?