Ask a Bible Teacher

Is Partial Faith Really Saving Faith?

Published: November 17, 2021

If salvation is by grace alone through faith alone, then what is your view regarding those who believe that they can lose their salvation? They are really believing that they are saved by their own effort in concert with the work of Christ, rather than trusting fully and only on Christ for eternal life. Is such partial faith really saving faith?

OSAS And Mature Believers

Published: November 17, 2021

I believe in Once Saved Always Saved, but I hear from some people that when you are a mature believer, you have the choice to “leave the house” and forfeit your salvation and be damned. God is not going to let an immature believer leave the house, since he does not know any better, but when he or she knows about departing from God, he can make the choice and go to hell. Does the Bible truly say when you are a mature believer, you can walk away and be damned?

How Do I Get My Faith Back?

Published: November 16, 2021

I have been saved since I was 11 years old. I am sure of it, I accepted the Lord, and I meant it. However, I have entered periods of doubt over the last four or five years. I think that they came on as a results of what I heard from an atheist. She said I believe in a fantasy, and that I believe in God and Jesus to make myself feel good about dying. I can’t seem to get these words out of my heart no matter how much I pray about it. What can I do to restore my faith? Am I still saved as I doubt? I feel so guilty and ashamed, and I do not even feel right about going to church while my mind works this way. I am too ashamed of my thoughts to share them with my pastor at this point.

Faith And Works

Published: November 16, 2021

I have a question regarding OSAS. Where do the scriptures regarding “faith without works are dead” and “you say you believe, the devil believes also and trembles” come in? To me they are saying that only belief is required for the initial act of receiving salvation, but after having received salvation there are expectations that must be met in order to maintain it. In other words you can’t just say I believe and let it go at that. I’m just trying to piece all this together and get a correct understanding.Your assistance is very much appreciated.

Jesus As a Child

Published: November 15, 2021

Can you tell me of the early years of Christ like from the age of thirteen until he started to preach? Does it tell us in the Bible what he did or where he went ?

Denying The Deity Of Jesus

Published: November 15, 2021

Can a person’s unbelief in the deity of Christ condemn him if He also believes whole heartedly that the sacrifice of Christ is man kinds only hope of heaven? I have a friend who doesn’t think so but I think his conclusions on the subject put him on shaky ground theologically and dangerous ground in terms of salvation. What do you think?

My Desires Or His Instructions?

Published: November 15, 2021

In the article “Should he change jobs” your answer was to wait for God instructions. I’m really puzzled with listening to God. From my own experiences, I usually confuse my inner desires with God’s instructions. Often I can’t distinguish between the two. Some say God gives us instructions through signs. But don’t we have to do the interpreting of these signs and once again be subjected to our own desires and wishes in interpreting them?

When Is Enough Enough?

Published: November 12, 2021

I truly believe that we are to help our family and neighbors but at what point is it enough? My oldest sister died when she was 38 year old leaving a husband and four children. Her husband has also since passed away. My parents, sisters and I have helped out these 4 kids, who are now adults, over and over and over. They are all physically and mentally okay but they all dropped out of school and pretty much live off the state and don’t seem to want to do better. When is enough enough?

A Reward For Generosity

Published: November 12, 2021

I’ve heard Philippians 4:19 used many times for believing the Lord to supply our needs. My question is, if I take the verse within the context it sounds like the Philippians sent Paul gifts (or supported his ministry so to speak(. Wouldn’t this be why the Lord supplied their needs? My point is they gave first and I’m guessing with the right intentions. The Lord saw their hearts and blessed them. Would that be accurate?

Should He Change Jobs?

Published: November 12, 2021

I am a stay at home mom and my husband is a teacher. We were blessed with his job 4 years ago when we decided to move. I know it was God’s perfect timing and this job has provided for our family very well. My husband likes his job but doesn’t love his job. He’s recently been debating on whether he wants to stay in that profession or not. He has many other jobs he could do to support us.

Our question is, should we be thankful for the job that God blessed us with and that my husband is capable of doing for the long term? Or should he try to find a job in life that he loves? What would Jesus tell him he should do? We want to be thankful for the blessings in our lives but aren’t sure when to step outside of the path we are on.