Ask a Bible Teacher

Worthy To Escape

Published: September 23, 2021

Would you be kind enough to explain Luke 21:36? I am a born again Christian depending on what Christ sacrificed on the cross for me. I do not believe I am worthy to escape what is soon to happen, except for Christ in me, He alone is worthy. I am confused as to why it states in Luke 21:36 to pray always that I may be worthy to escape.

Living In God’s Strength

Published: September 22, 2021

Would you please explain exactly what it means to live our lives in God’s strength? If everything at the Bema Seat Judgment is burned up as if it never existed if it was done in human strength, and only actions done in His strength are recognized, how far do you take this? After all, we awake every morning and arise in His strength. If it wasn’t for God, we would stop breathing! What exactly does in His strength mean on a practical level?

Purifying The Church By Fire?

Published: September 21, 2021

I appreciate your site so much. I have a friend who keeps telling me Christians are going to go through The Great Tribulation, because it is the “cleansing fire” we must go through to “purify” for our redemption when Christ comes back. I have been a Pre-Trib Rapture believer since my conversion many years ago. Can you help me here? Thank you so very much.

Symbolic Use Of Numbers In The Bible

Published: September 21, 2021

Although I notice how often numbers are used in the bible, I can’t say I really understand the significance of them – so have some more work to do to grasp their meaning and what they are communicating.

In a reading of Mark 6:30-44, 8:1-21, it looks like Christ is using the number 12 to designate Israel in the feeding of the 5000 and the number 7 to designate Gentiles in the feeding of the 4000. Can you elaborate a bit on why there are 12 baskets left over for the Jews and why there are 7 baskets left over for the Gentiles? Do the numbers 5000 and 4000 have any significance in understanding this scripture? Do they 5 loaves and 2 fishes versus 7 loaves have significance as well?

Strength In Weakness

Published: September 20, 2021

Re. 2 Corinthians 12:9: I have a question about this verse, ‘My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness.’ Then Paul says “For when I am weak, then I am strong.” What does “weakness” mean in these verses? I know that Paul wrote them in the context of his persecution and hardships, but what does that mean in a Christian’s everyday life who -thanks to God- doesn’t have to endure persecution? What are our weaknesses in our everyday “ordinary” Christian life? What count as weakness? Could they be our limited abilities which can be mental, emotional and physical? Plus our struggle with our sinful nature and our sins?

Which Is The Fall Feast Of The 2nd Coming?

Published: September 20, 2021

Jesus and the prophets gave us clues as to Jesus Second Coming, not the day and the hour, but the year and the month. You discovered the year, 2018, and I know someone found the month, based on the feasts of Israel and cycles of the moon or something like that. The month cannot be discovered until it is almost here because of something to do with not knowing the cycle of the moon until just before it happens, can you give me the name of the feast and the reason we can’t know the cycle of the moon until the rabbis figure it out?

Do Angels Draw Strength From Us?

Published: September 17, 2021

Do Angels touch and feel your body for energy?

More On The 24 Elders Of Rev. 4

Published: September 17, 2021

Regarding the “24 elders” (Rev. 4:4, 11:16, etc.). We understand that these 24 elders are “us” (the Church-age believers). Do you believe that all believers are somehow “collectively embodied” within the 24 elders or are the 24 elders symbolic? Or is it possible that we will all individually get a chance (when our “rotation” is called) to sit on one of the “24 thrones” much like the duties were rotated after the lots were cast for certain activities in the House of the LORD as described in 1 Chronicles chapters 24 & 25?

The Rapture And The Feast Of Trumpets

Published: September 17, 2021

Do you think it at all possible that ‘the last trump'(Rapture) could be the Tekiah Gedolah or the last trumpet call of the shofar at the feast of Trumpets?

Kings And Priests

Published: September 16, 2021

You have said on your web site that Revelation 5 has the church in heaven. I have read it and I can’t find any mention of the church there. Can you explain? ( It says…”I heard the voice of many angels around the throne, the living creatures, and the elders; and the number of them was ten thousand times ten thousand, and thousands of thousands”….I see angels, elders, and living creatures, but no saints or church.)