Why Was Lot Considered Righteous?
Published: January 20, 2020Can you help me understand why Lot and his daughters were considered righteous? First, he offers his daughters as potential rape victims to the Sodomites, then later on his daughters seduce their own father.
Where Was Aaron?
Published: January 20, 2020I was reading in the Book of Exodus where Moses is sent back to Egypt to demand that Pharaoh allow the Hebrews to go into the desert to worship God. As I read, I realized for the first time that I have no idea where Aaron was when Moses was being given his instructions. Any ideas? Did he leave Egypt to flee with Moses? Did Moses just meet up with him when he got back to Egypt?
No One Is Good But God
Published: January 17, 2020Luke 18:19 says “No one is good but One, that is, God.” What I don’t understand is why Jesus says that He isn’t good, and why He uses this word. I would use words such as awesome, perfect, holy, wonderful etc. What is the Bible definition of “good”? In my opinion, a lot of things are good.
The Only One Saved
Published: January 17, 2020My question centers on a Christian’s responsibility to his/her family during family functions. I am the only saved one in my family. When I attend holidays and family functions, it is uncomfortable for me because there are untoward things going on, such as swearing, drinking, gossiping, and occasionally light gambling. I try to ignore it but it’s difficult. What would you recommend if you were in my shoes? If I don’t attend the functions at all, then I risk offending the family. When I do go, I’m uncomfortable. Your thoughts would be appreciated.
Why Can’t God Meet Me Half Way?
Published: January 16, 20202 years ago I really felt like God was calling me back to Him, calling me out of sin and into a new life. So I left NYC and moved back to Nashville where my family lives to get back on my feet spiritually. I found a great church, and a mentor who walked with me through the pain of leaving everything I loved. I really felt hopeful that I was going to have a relationship with Christ that would make leaving it all be worthwhile. Well, it’s been 2 years now, and I don’t feel like God is close to me at all. Why can’t He meet me halfway and at least let me be happy here?
Intuitive Awareness Of Right And Wrong
Published: January 16, 2020Before I was a born again believer I used to differentiate between right and wrong/evil, same as other non-believers are doing today, and even abstain from certain wrong doings because of such convictions. I believe that I was not convicted by the Holy Spirit because I wasn’t yet a believer. Now that I’m Born Again I believe its the Holy Spirit that convicts me of wrongs/evil doings and guides me out of them. What was convicting me before I had the Holy Spirit?
Born Again Catholics?
Published: January 15, 2020I know there are some Roman Catholics who get saved according to the Biblical way, which is through Jesus Christ alone. I believe that once a Roman Catholic gets saved, they must leave the Roman Catholic Church because they can’t believe both the RCC and the Bible, and remaining in the religion condones it. And I also believe that if they don’t leave then they haven’t truly been converted. I’d like to know what your opinion on that is.
Confirmed By The Holy Spirit?
Published: January 15, 2020How is that so many people use the “confirmed by the Holy Spirit” line yet couldn’t be farther apart in their “answers”. A lot of people “confess” Jesus with their mouths, which I understand comes from our Father, but yet have so many different answers to life in general, which they all back up with Scripture and “confirmation” of the Holy Spirit. This “confirmation” of the Holy Spirit has me bewildered. I could be naive, but I didn’t think or believe it was possible for “true” believers to have a Holy Spirit “confirmation” and have two different answers. Am I missing something here?
Will “Old” Jerusalem Survive?
Published: January 15, 2020Will there be an ‘old’ Jerusalem in Israel during the millennium, since there is a New Jerusalem for the saints to live in?
Jews, Gentiles, And The Church
Published: January 14, 2020I was reading an answer from a reader about where the Jews and other believers would be. I understood you to say, the Jews would be in Israel and the rest in the New Jerusalem. I think I’m confused about New Jerusalem and Heaven. Are they the same? If there is a separation, why, since the Jews have accepted Jesus as their messiah.