Ask a Bible Teacher

What Does Romans 8:13 Mean?

Published: August 21, 2024

Romans 8: 13 says, “For if you live according to the sinful nature, you will die; but if by the Spirit you put to death the misdeeds of the body, you will live” Can you please explain this more thoroughly? What exactly is this implying, and to whom was Paul addressing it?


Romans 11:13-32. All Israel Will Be Saved?

Published: August 20, 2024

Please help me to perhaps understand what Paul is trying to tell us here. In the early verses I seem to understand him that he is telling us about Israel that is eventually going to be saved after the full number of Gentiles has been saved. Verse 23 confuses me a lot because Paul speaks as if Israel will have to show some belief in Jesus in order to be saved, although in the early chapters he speaks as if God intentionally made Israel not to understand Jesus. Then in verse 26 he speaks as if Israel is eventually going to be saved without any effort, which is what I believe on. But Paul confuses me when I read verse 23 and 25 as they seen to be contradicting.

Will God Take Our Life If We Don’t Repent?

Published: August 20, 2024

I know there is a verse that states that if a Christian refuses to repent God might take his physical life. I’m not referring to losing salvation, which we both know doesn’t happen; but to physical death. Can you tell me what that reference is?

More On The Seven Letters of Rev. 2-3

Published: August 20, 2024

How did you arrive at what each of the churches in Revelation 2-3 represent, i.e. Catholic, mainline protestant, evangelicals, apostate, etc.? Also, why would the church of Smyrna not represent those Christians being martyred today?

Explaining Romans 7:9

Published: August 19, 2024

Please explain where in Romans 7:9 it says children have eternal life because their sins are not counted against them. I cannot find any reference to children in the verse.

A Warning To Christians?

Published: August 19, 2024

I have a question regarding Matthew 12:36 and the correct application of it. It says “But I tell you that everyone will have to give account on the day of judgment for every empty word they have spoken.” I know you have said Jesus was addressing the Pharisees. But some preachers say this scripture is a warning for all Christians and unbelievers. If Jesus was only addressing the Pharisees, why did he say “everyone”?

Sharing The Gospel

Published: August 19, 2024

I have a desire to share the Gospel and yet I’m also aware of the warnings of being a teacher, handling the Word of God, etc. My problem is that every time I share my knowledge of Jesus, I find myself walking away thinking, “Boy did I blow that!” and this fear of not handling God’s Word correctly comes over me. So in my sincerest desire of wanting to share and witness I find myself being a blubbering idiot most of the time. I so badly want to decrease so that He may increase but so far sharing the Gospel like trying to speak a totally different language. Is this normal? What advice can you give me?

Comparing Romans 8:32 And Ephesians 1:3

Published: August 16, 2024

Are Romans 8:32 and Eph 1:3 related in that the latter explains the former? What else could be meant by all things if they are not spiritual in nature. There are many believers who have little or nothing material, I am wondering if this is the correct interpretation.

Finding Fulfillment In Life

Published: August 16, 2024

Believing that the Lord provide for my basic needs like food, drink, and clothes is not a problem to me. But when it’s about all the things I have to succeed in, and my welfare in every existing area of my life, that’s another story. I yearn for a job that is fulfilling to me, so I can do what interests me and experience success instead of feeling incompetent or out of place. And the most important thing is that my future job would not cause me distress and misery. It would be good if my welfare and my well being in every area of my life wouldn’t depend on me and my so very insufficient abilities, but instead I could ask the Lord to take the sole responsibility for all of these things. Is the Lord willing to cooperate and help me in such a way?

Paying An Unjust Bill

Published: August 16, 2024

What does the Bible say about paying a bill that you should not have been charged and it won’t go away?