Ask a Bible Teacher

Living By Faith, Follow Up

Published: July 23, 2024

Thank you for answering all my questions. I know I have many but you’re are such a great teacher and I’m very grateful for your answers. To be honest there just isn’t this kind of teaching happening in the church these days.

I was reading the question titled ‘Living By Faith’ and the writer wrote that we have some teachers who teach the word but people still seem to be starving. I agree the pastors are teaching right out of the bible, but never really taking the church into more insights and deeper understandings, actually studying God’s word. I know that Paul when preaching said he’d only teach Christ and Christ crucified and I know some pastors use that to justify not teaching other things such as prophecy, or studying end times etc.

Double Mindedness

Published: July 23, 2024

I read a Christian’s comment on something in a blog. She said “Don’t be double-minded or the Bible says you won’t receive anything.” I know this bible verse and it always confuses me, mostly I find it very distressing. Does this mean that we have to maintain unfluctuating faith without any fearful thought, doubt or negative imagination? Most times these things attack very easily my mind. Am I in danger that the Lord will not help me or grant a promise if my faith is fluctuating? Do these above mentioned characteristics mean double mindedness? And does unwavering faith mean the lack of these characteristics?

Three Temples Or Four?

Published: July 22, 2024

I’ve heard that the Millennial Temple will be different from the one during the tribulation. I’m doing some study on this now, but the Millennial Temple seems to be quite the massive structure!

What Jesus Did In Hell

Published: July 22, 2024

There is a very controversial issue that Christ went to Hades and had an encounter with Satan. Some say that after the death on the cross, Christ went to Hades and suffered more trouble before He was risen. Others maintain that He went and kicked the devil. Please share your views with scripture proofs.

Boundaries Of The Promised Land

Published: July 22, 2024

If Israel was given all the land between the Euphrates and the River of Egypt, why do we find it occupying only the land west of the Jordan during the Millennium?

Can Satan Read Minds?

Published: July 19, 2024

I’ve often heard it said that Satan cannot read minds. The reason, people say, is that it is because he is a created being. But that is no real answer. Since Satan was created by God, seems to me that God could have given him whatever abilities He wanted to, even knowing thoughts. Frankly, though, in most cases, Satan’s intelligence gathering demonic ‘network’ is very likely so efficient that he might seem to know thoughts. So, can Satan know our thoughts or not, and, if not, what is the biblical reason for that stance?

Israel’s Flight From The Anti-Christ

Published: July 19, 2024

As I understand scripture and your explanations, it seems that there will be two flights from Jerusalem. First is the immediate flight into the desert to Bosrah/Petra, taking not even a moment to grab a coat, at the news of the Abomination and the start of the Great Tribulation. Then there’ll will be a second flight at the fall of the City during Armageddon. At least three and one-half years must elapse between the two flights to allow time for the Great Tribulation to take place. Am I correct thus far?

Are we told why the rush to escape the city? Should one assume that God will be enraged by the Abomination and begin raining fire, etc. immediately? Should one assume the Elect will be protected during their escape if they have obeyed the command to be quick? Is there a planned, quick get-away, escape route for the first evacuation at that time?

Moving The Ark Of The Covenant

Published: July 19, 2024

As an archeology buff, the “Ark of the Covenant” is a fascinating subject and I really wish someone would find it. The question I have is, since the presence of the Lord is no longer dwelling in the ark itself, would we be able to touch it today if it were found or would the “don’t touch” rule still apply?

Explaining Matt. 11:12

Published: July 18, 2024

In Matthew 11:12, who is taking the kingdom by force, what does this passage mean?? I have tried to find a commentary on it but to no avail.

3 Part Salvation Process?

Published: July 18, 2024

I was taught that Salvation has 3 parts as we have 3 parts (spirit, soul and body as shown in 1 Thess 5:23). When we believed in Christ, our spirit is saved. We have eternal life and will not be in the lake of fire. However, our soul (emotion, mind and will) is slowly being saved by denying oneself and transforming more to be like Christ. Phil. 2:12 says we must work out our own salvation (of the soul) with fear and trembling) as we have to face the judgment seat of Christ when the Lord returns. If we don’t, we will face the outer darkness and not have a part to reign in the millennium kingdom (but only have a part in the new heaven and earth in the new Jerusalem). Our bodies are finally saved when they are transformed at the second coming of Christ. Can I have your comments about this?