Ask a Bible Teacher

Two Different Men, Both Named Jesus

Published: August 29, 2014

My daughter floored me yesterday. She is a born again Christian but read on facebook where an Islamic man claimed that after his research the Jesus of the Bible and the Jesus spoken of in the Koran are one and the same. I told her this is not true and that Allah and God are not one and the same either. I don’t want her to go down the Chrislam road as many seem to be doing these days. What proof can I give her to help her see this? I don’t want to buy a copy of the Koran.

The Full Number

Published: August 29, 2014

I have been studying the Book of Revelation lately and I believe it says somewhere in there I can’t find now about the full number coming in. It says when the full number of Gentiles are killed in Gods name is when the end will begin. Is this true? Are we waiting on a full number of people to die in Gods name for the rapture to happen?

Trumpets And Bowls The Same?

Published: August 28, 2014

Is it possible that the trumpet judgements and the bowl judgments be defining the same events from a different perspective? It would seem that we are seeing God’s view and the unbelievers view of the same action for reinforcement.

Where Are they Now?

Published: August 28, 2014

You recently said “At the end of the Millennium the unbelieving dead from all ages will be gathered for their final judgment. Anyone whose name is not found in the Book of Life will be thrown into the Lake of Fire for eternal punishment.” Where are the spirits of these people now?? Are they in limbo, in eternal punishment or simply not existent at this time?

Where Did Denominations Come From?

Published: August 28, 2014

Did all denominations come from the Catholic faith? I have been asked this question and I did not have an answer.

It’s Not Just Semantics

Published: August 28, 2014

I have a question regarding this “sinner-righteous” position. In Romans, Paul makes it clear that we were sinners before Christ came into our lives. In 2 Corinthians 5:17 (“old things have passed away; behold all things are become new”, and then verse 21 (“…that we might be made the righteousness of God in Him”), it seems to me that we have been changed from actually being “sinners” to “sons of God” (many verses that I know you know!). So, is this just a semantics thing, or what? I know that I sin, but in Romans 7, Paul says that it is “sin in me” not “me” that is sinning. This difference makes all the difference, as I see it, in how we perceive ourselves; and this perception is affirming of Christ’s finished work on Calvary.

The Spirit Expressly Says

Published: August 28, 2014

Sincere thanks for your labor of love providing rich insight into scripture through your web site. My question pertains to 1 Timothy 4:1-5. Since “the Spirit expressly says” some will depart from the faith etc. etc., how would you expound these verses for the “latter times” we are living in?

Ark Of The Covenant, In Heaven Or On Earth?

Published: August 27, 2014

Re: Rev. 11:19. This verse has puzzled me for some time, and with having heard/read that “the ark of His testament” resides under the Dome of The Rock in Jerusalem presently, I was wondering what are your thoughts on this verse?

Praying to Satan?

Published: August 27, 2014

I recently read a book by an author who used to be a Satanist, where he said a Christian once came to him for help. Apparently, the Christian guy had been praying for relief from a situation, but nothing happened. So he decided to ask the devil for help instead. It got me wondering, what does God think of that? This man was praying for help and God didn’t help him, so I guess he caved because he couldn’t take the pressure anymore. Can you give me some answers on this topic?

The Islamic State. Follow Up

Published: August 26, 2014

I very much appreciated your round up of the Middle East situation but I am not sure you answered your own question. So, is ISIS, ISIL, IS, or whatever they call themselves, the apocalyptic end times scenario or will God wipe them out? I believe He will. Others have intimated the same thing you did, that they are the AC predecessors but I think they are a flash in the pan. Maybe I misunderstood what you were saying but clearly, won’t God just wipe this vermin out like Hamas and the rest of the foes of Israel?