Ask a Bible Teacher

OSAS And Rev. 3:5

Published: August 17, 2014

I firmly believe in once saved always saved, and the verses that once led me to doubt it, for the most part, have been explained to me. However there is one verse that I still can’t get my mind around, and that is Rev. 3:5. Now I know that we are not supposed to take one scripture and use it to disprove the many that say otherwise, yet since Rev 3 is talking to the churches, how do we explain that we have everlasting life if our names can be blotted out?

What Was Paul Saying?

Published: August 17, 2014

In Acts 24 where Paul is making his defense before Felix against charges brought by the Jews, Paul makes a statement in verses 15 and 16 that seems to imply that his behavior may have some bearing upon which group he will be resurrected with, the righteous or the wicked. Can you help me to understand this passage?

Peace And Safety?

Published: August 17, 2014

I have a question and thought for you on 1 Thes. 5:3 “Peace and Safety”. From what we are seeing in Israel right now it does not look like it can go from war to Peace and Safety. That is what Israel is fighting for. We are seeing everybody around Israel getting into wars and rumors of wars. My question is of the context of the statement have I missed something to think at this point it can go from bad to worse at a moments notice?

Two Prophecy Questions

Published: August 16, 2014

I have a couple of questions I would like your input on as I have wondered about these for some time. First, a lot of talk lately has been that the Antichrist may be a Muslim. What are your thoughts on this? It seems that there is a change in some of the thinking on this recently. Secondly, do you believe that those inhabitants who are living in their mortal bodies during the millennium may continue throughout eternity in their natural bodies? It would certainly add credence to all of the new extra-solar planets being discovered recently.

Divorcing For Financial Reasons?

Published: August 16, 2014

Is it okay to get a divorce for financial reasons? My husband and I have talked about this. My previous husband passed away. My current husband and I are just scraping by. If we were to get a divorce, I could receive Social Security from my previous marriage again. This would be my last option. I myself feel God would not honor the divorce for that reason. Can you help me out with this?

Heaven Or Hell?

Published: August 15, 2014

A recent question about the IDF soldiers consigned to hell makes me ask: Where in scripture is is it established that dying without knowing Christ assigns a soul to hell?

Will Everyone Be Saved?

Published: August 15, 2014

This is my first time writing to you after being blessed by your Ministry for many years. I believe the word that,GOD desires that everyone will be saved. I also believe the word that, “every knee will bow, and every tongue will confess that JESUS CHRIST is LORD.” These two scriptures lead me to believe that at some point in time everyone except the “Named Three” will be saved. I’ve read a lot of supporting scripture for this. Please, kindly share your understanding with me on this.

Are Some Jews Not Jews?

Published: August 14, 2014

I’m confused by Romans 9:6-8, We know that Jacob is Israel and also Isaac’s son, so aren’t all of Jacob’s descendent also those of Isaac? What is meant by “For they are not all Israel which are descended from Israel”? Does this imply some Jews are not Jews?

Confession And Forgiveness

Published: August 14, 2014

I want to make a comment on your answer to Pre-Marital Sex. You seldom use the word repent in your answers. If this couple does not repent from their fornication it is unconfessed sin. Turning from their sin is what they need to do, repent of it before they marry. 1 John 1:9. Today, repentance seems to be a thing of the past & not used enough. It is an integral part of our walk with Jesus.

Pre-Marital Sex

Published: August 14, 2014

A dear friend and I have become intimate. She & I are senior citizens, both of us are widows, and both of us have a strong faith in God. Is it considered pre-marital sex for us and therefor a sin for us ?? I have been very troubled by this and need an answer. I know what you say about OSAS.