Ask a Bible Teacher

Are Things Different Now?

Published: July 5, 2014

Over the years I’ve experienced some life disappointments, and because of this my mind has been plagued with doubts. So, I’ve been searching the New Testament to try to see what I need to do for the Lord to make Himself real to me. I have a Jewish Christian friend who feels convinced that the Jewish Law is to be obeyed for Sanctification and Maturing.

I realize the Apostles specified to gentiles of their day, only the most basic moral and health guidelines to follow. St. Paul also admonished Jews not to mingle obedience to the law with Salvation. It might have been reasonable to expect less of gentiles of that time, because of circumstances, and to simplify matters for them and the Jews. Also, it would have been impossible at that time for gentiles to practice the law, because of various circumstances. Is it possible that conditions being different now, Christ might want gentile Christians to practice the Jewish Law?

Acts 3:21 And The Rapture

Published: July 5, 2014

Like you I support the Pre-Tribulation Rapture of the Church. However Acts 3:21 has always presented a problem where Peter states that Messiah has to remain in heaven until the period of restoration (restitution) of all things. If ‘all things’ implies the restoration of creation, then that will plainly not be the condition prevailing on earth if we are correct in our understanding of the Pre-Tribulation rapture This was highlighted by a visiting Messianic Jewish speaker at our assembly last evening. He used to accept the Pre-Trib: view but now believes that the Church will go through the Tribulation, based on Acts 3:21.

Will There Be Sin In The Millennium?

Published: July 5, 2014

Will there be sin in the Millennium and if so how will it be dealt with? I have heard that there will be sin and it will be dealt with immediately by the Lord. Your comments on this and Scriptures to back it up would be appreciated.

Is She Saved Or Not?

Published: July 5, 2014

My grandmother died a Catholic when I was in Jr. High. Are Catholics & Christians so different that she won’t be in heaven or what can I expect about her where abouts? Thank you for any information.

Where Is The Discernment?

Published: July 5, 2014

In regards to the Florida revival, I thank you for your concise scripture based responses and rebuttals to what they are doing. I became a Christian in my 30’s and God has blessed me with a fierce “show me in the bible” mentality. If it cannot be proven and not proof texted or scripture twisted from the Bible, I will have none of it and this is what amazes me. How could Christians who go to this not see it for what it is? It seems so blatantly wrong. I thought everyone was given the gift of discernment when they accepted Christ as their Savior. Then, I saw Pastors going up to “get what they believe is the Holy Spirit”. How, if you have the Holy Spirit in you, can you (pastors especially since they would have had to go to seminary and should know their bible) be deceived like that?

Rapture Any Day Now?

Published: July 4, 2014

Re: Last Call. With so many being saved at present and into the foreseeable future how could the rapture come any day now? Would Jesus actually come and leave people behind that he knows would be saved if they heard the gospel?

Getting What We Want

Published: July 3, 2014

I don’t understanding Mark 4:12. Jesus is explaining the parable of the four soils and I understand when he says they will see but not see and hear but not hear but I don’t understand the last statement “They may hear and not understand lest they return again and be forgiven”. Is He saying that if they return seeking forgiveness they will be refused?

Dominion Over Earth

Published: July 3, 2014

What scripture references explain the dominion over this planet? I understand that Adam forfeited the dominion when he sinned to Satan. Is that correct?

A New Creation?

Published: July 2, 2014

Scripture says that when one is saved, he becomes a new person; the old person is gone (2 Cor. 5:17). For many years I have struggled with that concept because I have never had an epiphany — never a moment in my memory when “something happened” and I went from being unsaved to being saved. I have never gone from “thinking, feeling, believing, and behaving” in one way to “thinking, feeling, believing, and behaving” in a new and different way. I am still looking for that “new man”, somebody who was suddenly different from who/what he had been before. What am I missing?

Is Jeremiah 29:11 For Us?

Published: July 2, 2014

Jeremiah 29:11 says “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. I quoted this verse to a friend the other day and she came back with a question I wasn’t prepared to answer. She asked “How do we know the promise is for us, and not just for King David?” Would you help me answer this question?