Hosea 6:2 And The 2nd Coming
Published: May 26, 2014In reference to your last article on the Ascension, it seems like most Bible teachers who teach end time eschatology never refer to Hosea 6:2. It surely must have some significance to the timing of the second coming, does it not?
Scarcer Than Pure Gold
Published: May 26, 2014Your comments said that God is jealous and gets angry, He is just and righteous. I agree, but what do I say to those who believe that God is Love so he can’t get jealous or angry?
Never Heard The Gospel?
Published: May 25, 2014What about those who have never heard the Gospel of salvation through Jesus Christ? Does Jesus reach them in some divine way…so they have an opportunity to accept or reject Him as their Savior? Does Christ give EVERY person a chance to accept or reject Him? I’m just unclear. I read Romans 1:20, but then there’s Romans 10:14 and Romans 10:17.
Nations Or People?
Published: May 25, 2014When reading Jer 30: 4-11, but specifically part of verse 11 where the Lord says He will completely destroy all the nations, does that include the believers in those nations or does it mean maybe, that there won’t be any believers?
How Long Before The Second Coming?
Published: May 25, 2014Do you have a scripture that says Christ’s second coming is a set time? What do you think about a set time?
What’s Happened To The Preaching?
Published: May 25, 2014Does the Bible address the problem of so many preachers not preaching the Bible as they used to? A lot of the scriptures seem to get twisted and give the wrong view. It’s getting harder and harder to find good Bible based preaching.
What Makes The Millennium A Failure?
Published: May 25, 2014Re: Your study on Dispensationalism. What makes the Millennium end in failure and judgment? I’ve always thought it was our Lord’s final triumph over evil–when he briefly looses them to send them into everlasting punishment. Please enlighten me as to what I have missed here.
Where Does The Constitution Say That?
Published: May 24, 2014Thanks for your article, There Is No Seven Year Tribulation. There is reference to the constitution in this article- could you be so kind as to point out where the constitution “forbids the persecution of Christians and the promotion of other religions”.
Did Jesus Sin?
Published: May 24, 2014A co-worker stated today that Jesus did “sin.” She said that Jesus lost his temper and started throwing things in the temple. She said showing anger is a sin. She also stated that God is a jealous God and has shown much wrath. Jealousy is also a sin. How do I respond?
How Did They Feel?
Published: May 23, 2014Is there Biblical evidence to show how the Father and Holy Ghost felt when Jesus hung on that cross?