The Terminal Generation. Follow Up
Published: May 23, 2014Regarding The Terminal Generation, one interpretation of the word “generation” I’ve heard is that of “age.” The pastor indicated that Jesus was basically saying that the signs he mentions will happen before and as the Church Age ends. Do you see any merit in this interpretation of “generation”?
Bogged Down By Dates
Published: May 23, 2014I just read your article The Terminal Generation, and while I agree it makes sense, I still get bogged down going down the dates route. Didn’t Christ say that not even he knew the day or hour of his return ?
Has She Lost Her Salvation?
Published: May 23, 2014My 20 year old niece who was saved and baptized in a Baptist church started dating a Mormon boy 2 months ago. Last week she announced she was becoming Mormon and was baptized Mormon. Does that mean she loses her salvation? Is that considered rejection of the Holy Spirit?
Prayer Language And Tongues. Same Or Different?
Published: May 22, 2014You have written that you believe those who believe in a prayer language were misinterpreting scripture. Could you tell me which scripture and just how it is misinterpreted?
Our Pastor Won’t Teach Prophecy
Published: May 22, 2014We go to a Bible believing church. But the pastors will not preach or have a Bible study on prophecy. They say it is too controversial. We don’t understand, since it’s part of the Bible. Is this part of the ‘falling away’ that we hear about? We are very interested in prophecy and feel like we are missing out on 1/3 of the Bible because of this stance.
How Could Nicodemus Have Known?
Published: May 21, 2014In John 3:1-15, Jesus is speaking to Nicodemus about the need for a person to be “born again”. When Nicodemus ask Jesus, “How could these things be?” Jesus basically said, “You are a teacher in Israel and still you don’t know this?” Since The Mosaic / Levitical laws emphasize obedience to the 10 Commandments and their derivatives, what could Nicodemus have studied that would have helped him understand spiritual rebirth?
Was He Their Messiah Or Their Savior?
Published: May 21, 2014Regarding the Jews that received Peter’s message and were baptized and subsequently the 3,000 that also came to Christ through Peter’s speech after Pentecost: Was Christ the Messiah to them, or was he their Savior, as he is to you and me? I’ve always thought that Grace came to those that believed that Christ died for our sins, and that we received Salvation through acceptance of this Gift. Was this not the mystery that came to Paul after Damascus and his three years of being tutored by Christ in Arabia ?
Man’s Lifespan
Published: May 21, 2014Thank you for your ministry it has been a blessing to me. I was just curious if you knew if there was any biblical reason why the pre-flood patriarchs never quite made to 1000 years as far as how long they lived?
The Amalekites And Yasser Arafat
Published: May 20, 2014I was asked, and don’t know the answer behind the story, so I’m hoping you can explain; why did God (and why would he) command Saul in 1 Samuel 15:3 “Now go and smite Amalek, and utterly destroy all that they have, and spare them not; but slay both man and woman, infant and suckling, ox and sheep, camel and ass.”
If children are innocent, why the children? I’ve heard other commentators suggest that Agag’s family-tree eventually led to Yasser Arafat and that if Saul had followed God’s command, today there would be no Palestinian issue haunting the Jews.
Why Are Believers Afraid Of The Rapture?
Published: May 20, 2014As the pieces of the prophetic puzzle fall into place with alarming speed and intensity, family members who I’ve always believed to be mature Christians are becoming afraid of the Lord’s return fro us. I’ve asked why, and they can’t give me a clear answer. I don’t understand why professing Christians would fear this. The thought had occurred to me that they might not be secure in their faith, but they’ve been devout Christians since I was a child. What would you advise?