Soapbox Preaching
Published: May 2, 2014What are your thoughts on “soapbox preaching”? Does the Bible address this?
The Infancy Gospels
Published: May 1, 2014My question is about the so-called “Infancy Scriptures.” I recently saw a special on them and was surprised at how the Lord was depicted, supposedly as an angry and unruly child. The special said that Jesus had to learn how to master His emotions as any child would and that later He became a great leader. Do you buy any of this? What exactly are these “Infancy Scriptures”? They seem disrespectful to me!
Did Jesus Deny Being God?
Published: May 1, 2014I have been blessed by your website and amazed by the depth of knowledge you display on issues. Can you please share your thoughts on Mathew 19:16. A lot of Muslims like to quote this scripture to support an argument that Jesus was denying the fact that He was God. I know that is not the case, but I will be glad if you can shed a bit of light on it for me.
The Timing Of The Bowl Judgments
Published: May 1, 2014I was reading your e-book on Understanding Revelation (very good) but it has raised a couple of questions in chapter 16 and the bowl judgements. In verse 2 it says painful sores came on men who had the mark of the beast on them. Taken literally that means post rapture believers do not suffer these sores. Also in verse 12, the Euphrates river dries up. Again taking things literally that means the plagues of the seas and fresh water have a time limit on them. So does that mean all the plagues there is an interlude between each one, maybe to give these people chance to repent? What is your take on this?
A Question About Obadiah
Published: April 30, 2014I was reading the article about Obadiah on (a well known author’s) website. He says the book is referring to current times. I went to my Spirit Filled Life Bible, a study bible, that says it refers to the Israeli defeat by the Babylonians in 586 BC. Which is correct? And, when studying, how do I discern which version to believe? Thanks.
Preparing A Place For Us
Published: April 30, 2014You teach us that the Rapture is not a timed event but a numerical event. That God has a certain number of members in the Church in mind rather than a certain time for it to happen. I’m wondering then, could that number be the number of living spaces, or “mansions”, available in the New Jerusalem for the Church to live? If New Jerusalem has specific measurements, then it follows that there are a certain number of spaces available for our “mansions”.
Ezekiel 38 Burial Place
Published: April 29, 2014My question is: Where will be the location of the fallout from the Ezk. 38-39 war? When the Jews flee to Petra to escape the anti-christ mid way through the tribulation, will they follow a route that takes them near the catastrophic radioactive damage created by the Ezk. 38-39 war?
Prophets Of Old
Published: April 29, 2014I’ve been searching but haven’t come up with anything yet. Here’s my question, did the prophets of the Old Testament ‘miss it’ like so many of the self proclaimed prophets of today do?
Mixed Feelings
Published: April 28, 2014I’m 22 and graduating college. I know that Lord’s return can be any day now. Is it wrong that I feel conflicted about it? I want Him to return soon, but I also desire to have my own family and kids. What can I do so that I can remain strong in wanting Him more than family?
No Greater Love
Published: April 28, 2014Scripture tells us that “Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends”. I believe it would require a greater love to lay down one’s life for someone who is not a friend … someone who is a stranger, or someone who is out to do you harm, or such. I think it would be much easier for someone to lay down their life for a friend then for one of these other types I mentioned. It has never made sense to me. Can you shed any light on this matter?