Still Hurting. Still Angry?
Published: June 20, 2024I’m trying to help a friend who is having this issue – He and his dad have had a rocky relationship in the past, he has forgiven his dad for past events but his dad keeps talking about the past to sort of joke about the negative events. It seems that this is how his dad deals with the past but it hurts my friend very much having to relive these things.
He’s afraid to saying anything to his dad because he’s feels like it could re-injure their relationship, in fact, he is frightened of his own temper and is afraid that it could escalate into a huge fight. So he’s stuck in a place where he doesn’t want to lie but can’t bring himself to tell his dad that these discussions are hurting him, so he usually acts as though he can’t recall the event.
I told him to seek the Lord’s help through prayer and that I would pray for him too but he also asked if there were any scriptures I could point to for help. Any suggestions?
Why Does God Intervene Sometimes And Not Others?
Published: June 19, 2024I have been a believer for 27 years. Something has been on my mind for a long time and have never had the guts to ask. But here goes. In the case of rape, murder, abuse, etc. it seems God sometimes intervenes and sometimes He doesn’t. I know God loves both the victim and the criminal with a love we can never understand this side of eternity. Can you please help me understand why it’s OK for Him to stop attacks like this sometimes and not others?
Storing Up For Others
Published: June 19, 2024Since I also believe in a pre-trib rapture, I don’t anticipate being here for Daniel’s 70th week. But plenty of newly reborn Christians will be here in the days, weeks and months following the rapture. Those new Christians are going to need all the help they can get. So we do some doomsday prepping, but not for us, because we know we won’t be here. We prep for those who won’t make a decision for Christ until it is too late to be part of the Church. We’ve stockpiled some food, water purification and storage supplies, weapons, winter clothing, medical supplies, firewood, backup generator, barter items and other things we think will be needed post rapture. But most importantly, we’ve put together a library of Bibles and Bible study resources, both hard copy, and electronic media, because those new Christians will need these kinds of hidden Bible resources in a world hostile to them and all things related to Jesus Christ. I think it is possible to do both things, doomsday prepping and laying up treasures in heaven. What do you think?
Sin, Salvation, And Rewards
Published: June 19, 2024My question is related to eternal security. In one of your responses, I read that when we are saved, it’s for eternity and there is no way we can be “unsaved”. However, several passages in the Bible warn against falling off or having to “work out our salvation” (Philippians 2:12), or “save ourselves through continuing in the doctrine” (1 Timothy 4:16), or loosing the reward (2 John 1:8), even the book of Revelations mentions “taking away the part from the book of life” (Revelations 22:19).
These passages and many others show that one may loose his reward if he falls off. As a saved person, I will still sin because of my human nature. However in 1 John 3:9, the apostle says that whoever is born of God does not sin and cannot sin. This is a bit confusing too. Suppose after I am saved, I sin and die before confessing my sins committed before I die, what will happen? Will I loose my reward?
Losing Rewards
Published: June 18, 2024Thank you so very much for your wonderful bible teachings. I have been extremely blessed by them. I have found in my own bible studies and extra biblical books a very distressing interpretation of judgment about crowns/rewards at The Bema seat of Christ. One book by a popular writer quotes 2 John 8 “Watch yourselves that you do not lose what you have accomplished.” It goes on to explain that many Christians who have served the Lord for many years, will lose their rewards and crowns which they have already earned if they backslide into temptations of carnality, sensuality, or other temptations of the flesh.
Am I wrong in understanding every time we sin, we are forgiven but our rewards are taken away? I am heartsick to think anything I might have earned in the way of rewards was lost because of a sin (no matter how big or small) even though the sin was confessed.
Please help me to understand this because I want to serve the Lord in Heaven based on my rewards, and I want to please him, but if every time I get angry at my husband or adult children, or think a bad thought or bad attitude (though confessed and forgiven) I have to start all over again and that takes the joy out of serving the Lord. Is there something wrong with my thought process?
What Does This Prophecy Mean?
Published: June 18, 2024Thank you for your awesome website. I have recently been baptized, when I was prayed for the lady praying for me had a prophetic word. She said I would stand tall like the trees of Lebanon. I’m not really sure what that means. Is there any scripture in the Bible about this topic?
Getting Peace About My Mother’s Death
Published: June 18, 2024I am having hard time getting perspective on the death of my mom. I had become her care giver and we fought a good fight together. She overcame much and was a best friend and guide. She was not perfect and there were still issues between us, but she was a deep part of my life. I took care of her for the last 15 years. I even saved her life on many occasions.
In October, she suddenly fell very ill- i had a bad feeling about it. She became confused, weak and had to go on oxygen. I then spent 3 months and innumerable visits to doctors, specialists and the nursing home to try to get answers as to what was wrong with my mom. I never did get that answer, in fact the week before she died, the doctor told me that she was fine and why did our family insist on getting her into the hospital.
The nursing was as good as possible, but they kept calling me telling me something was bad wrong and the doc was not doing anything. I did not know who to believe. Mom kept failing. It was horrible.
Finally after being told she was in congestive heart failure after those 3 months, mom lasted another week and after a good visit having no idea she was dying, she peacefully went on a few days later, but i did not get to see her or be with her again. I am having a hard time forgiving the horror of these last months and the pain the docs put me through. Can you help me with some perspective?
Contrary To Feelings Choices
Published: June 17, 2024I am struggling very much with the concept of forgiveness and anger. This ongoing struggle has caused me great pain for several years. I know that God commands us to forgive others as we have been forgiven. Even so, I am having a hard time forgiving a family member who betrayed my trust and stole a large sum of money that she’s unable to pay back. I am unsure how to reconcile my emotional response of anger vs. my logical desire to forgive. Is it possible to forgive her while remaining angry?
Asking For Prosperity
Published: June 17, 2024Other than Jabez (1 Chronicles 4:9-10) Can you give me scriptural evidence of anyone in the Word of God asking for financial prosperity? Is it not God who chooses to bless us as long as we remain in Him and and seek His Kingdom and His righteousness. I believe prosperity is a by-product or benefit of a relationship with God not the center piece of it. I believe God wants us to ask Him for a humble heart. Look at King Solomon. He asked for wisdom! Every time we see someone getting blessed it is because God did the blessing out of His Love, not because the “blessee” asked for it.
Will God Forgive Me?
Published: June 17, 2024I am very concerned that getting angry at God, telling Him off, and tearing the Bible means God will never forgive me. I have since seen the error of my way and even when I thought I had been doing God’s will before this incident, I was wrong. I had been baptized before all this happened. Will God forgive me now?