Ask a Bible Teacher

The History Of The Passover Seder

Published: April 10, 2014

When and why did Jewish rabbis start celebrating the Passover Seder after sundown on 15 Nisan, which is the Feast of Unleavened Bread?

Why Aren’t The Books Of The Apocrypha In All Bibles?

Published: April 10, 2014

I heard recently that the Catholic Bible contains 7 more books than does our own Bible. I wonder why there is a discrepancy. Were they originally included but removed later by Protestant reformers? Or were these extra books added by the Catholic Church after the original compilation of the Bible? Do they have any value to Bible believing Christians or should they be avoided as uninspired and possibly flawed? Thank you so much for your intellectual and spiritual generosity. Your ministry is a continual blessing in my life.

A 10 Day Rapture?

Published: April 10, 2014

I read an article recently where the author says that the rapture will take around 10 days, the dead rising first then us. He was using Rev. 2:10 to back this up. He also says that we should have a 10 day supply of food and water saved because of riots that will happen during this 10 day event, I just don’t see all that from this verse. Do you think he is right about all this?

On Eagles’ Wings

Published: April 10, 2014

In Revelation 12:14, It says that when the Antichrist moves against Israel there will be given to Israel two wings of a great eagle so that she may fly into the place where she is nourished for time, times and half a time. Is the great eagle the United States and will we be protecting Israel?

Second Passover

Published: April 10, 2014

If everything in the Old Testament has meaning spiritually…. What does the second passover mean to us?

Why Do We Have The Book Of Revelation?

Published: April 9, 2014

If we are not going to endure the end times judgments, why were we given the book of Revelation? Seems silly to worry about something that isn’t going to affect us as believers.

Recognized By Their Fruit

Published: April 8, 2014

You have said you believe that a number of prominent church leaders will be left behind so there will be a determined effort on their part to deny the rapture has taken place. I am not in any way opposing your opinion. Nor am I asking you to name names. But I was wondering on what scripture you based this opinion? How can you know if someone is born again when they claim to profess Jesus is Lord as so many church leaders today do?

Methuselah And The Great Flood

Published: April 8, 2014

At a recent Bible Study the teacher said that GOD started the flood on the day that Methuselah died . Have you ever heard this? I can not find it in my KJV Bible . Is this a Jewish tradition or math?

An Example Of Female Angels?

Published: April 8, 2014

In Zechariah 5:9, who are the two winged women, are they female angels?

A Deeper Faith?

Published: April 8, 2014

You have been so helpful in the past, I have another question for you that may benefit others. Jesus said that anything we ask that is in the will of our Father would be granted. If we ask God to increase our faith and love for him, will he do that? I know that Jesus is the author and finisher of our faith, but does that include giving us a deeper love for him?