Ask a Bible Teacher

Has Any Gentile Nation Ever Returned To God?

Published: March 23, 2014

The Bible offers nations and individuals an opportunity to return to God, if they will. Has any gentile nation in history ever returned to God after walking with Him and then rejecting Him as a matter of national policy?

What In The World Is Happening?

Published: March 22, 2014

I read all sorts of conclusions from Christian writers but truth be told, I really do not understand what is happening in Russia at this juncture. Some say Putin seeks to bring down the American economy this way, others say America is working with him and some even suggest that it is Russia, not China, that is the emerging superpower. I am confused. Could you please shed light on this from God’s standpoint?

Struggling With Creation

Published: March 22, 2014

I am a Christian. The one area I struggle with is the six day creation account in Genesis. I have a hard time reconciling the world being created in six days with the loads of evidence for the 13 billion year old universe and 4.5 billion year old Earth. Also, the universe and our solar system was created through colliding planets and exploding stars. Dinosaurs roamed the earth and then became extinct. This hardly seems like a paradise before Adam sinned in the Garden. Was only the Garden a paradise? Perhaps there was still chaos outside of the garden and before the Garden was created?

Pearls Before Swine

Published: March 22, 2014

I belong to an online art group where millions are members. Many are believers but many others are not. Recently there’s been contention over the plight of the Japanese people. Believers are encouraging everyone to pray and unbelievers are saying prayer doesn’t help. Most folks would say, “just ignore those nay-sayers and keep praying”. But I feel strongly that as a Christian, I shouldn’t feel the need to shut up and hide and should say something. What do think about this?

How Do I Renew My Mind?

Published: March 22, 2014

I understand that it is God’s Will that I be sanctified. And I understand from Romans 12:1-2 that I am transformed by renewing my mind. How do I renew my mind so all the Spiritual Gifts in my spirit can be released ? I understand that until I do this, my mind remains with the leftover old programming from my old nature ! My biggest area of defeat is my emotions and anger in particular. Thank you so much for this web site and all your sound spiritual advice.

Bodies on Earth, Hearts In Heaven

Published: March 22, 2014

Thank you for your insightful words of wisdom that I constantly wait for weekly. My husband and I look forward to each and every article that will help us with our study and understanding of the Bible. One question that has come up recently is where in the Bible does either Jesus or someone else state that as born again Christians we must live in this fallen world but our hearts should be in heaven”? Or something like that. Your help in answering this is much appreciated.

If We’re Already Saved Forever, Why Bother Being Good?

Published: March 21, 2014

According to many of your comments about Eternal Security, nothing can cause us to become ‘unsaved’. What then, is the point of a Christian offering himself as a living sacrifice to God (Romans 12) and living a life worthy of the Gospel of Christ (Phil.1)? We all might as well accept Jesus as Lord and Savior then carry on living exactly as we were before.

Please don’t get me wrong, I believe totally in the gift of salvation and know there is nothing I could ever do that would be worthy enough to earn it. The gratitude I feel to the Lord for dying for me cannot be put into words. But what about those who don’t put their faith into action and continually live as the world would live, refusing to take responsibility for their actions and avoiding repentance. On a personal level I have sacrificed what my flesh has wanted in favor of what God would have me do. Are you saying I needn’t have bothered?

Bread And Wine Or Flesh And Blood?

Published: March 21, 2014

In your study on Revelation 2 & 3, specifically the section on the letter to the church at Thyatira, you have pointed out that Catholics (yes, I am Catholic) believe that the communion bread and wine are the actual and spiritual body and blood of Jesus. Is this not supported by scripture such as John 6:51-59? What are your thoughts on this?

The Rapture In Matt. 24?

Published: March 21, 2014

You have said that Jesus doesn’t mention the Rapture in Matthew 24. But in Matt 24:36 He talks about no one knows the day or hour not even the Son. Then in verse 42 He says to keep watch because you do not know what day your Lord will come. Doesn’t that have to do with the Rapture since the Day of the Lord (the second coming) can be calculated by counting 1260 days from when the Abomination of Desolation takes place in the temple?

Is Reincarnation Possible ?

Published: March 20, 2014

I recently got into a conversation with a friend who believes that her children have both had previous lives. She claims to have even had a vision of how her son had died in his previous life. I told her that in all likelihood she was dealing with a familiar spirit. However she seemed less than sold on the whole theory. Can you offer any other theory on what it is that would cause a person to have these experiences? Thanks for your insight.