Are We To Know The Times And Seasons?
Published: August 30, 2013I’m still an avid reader of your site. I’ve also noticed many other sites I visit quote you or are linked to you. Do you ever correspond with these people or do they just pick up on your teaching as we have? Do you have any control over this? These are not important questions but I was just curious.
In relationship to today’s Q &A- You referenced the fact that both Paul and the Lord said we should be aware of the season regarding His return. How do we reconcile that with Luke’s statement in Acts 1:7 that seems contradictory? Thanks again for your answers. God bless you and your family as you seek to serve Him in these last days.
The Meaning Of The Four Horsemen
Published: August 30, 2013I always try to follow good hermeneutic principles when trying to understand God’s word starting with literal, historical and grammatical interpretation. The book of Revelation does however have the use of symbols and metaphorical interpretations. I am trying to understand the use of horses in the first 4 seals of Rev 6 – what are the horses and what do they mean. Jesus also comes on a white horse at His second coming – what are the horses? Also, the personal pronouns used for those on the horses indicate a person, yet that which follows are war, famine, pestilence, etc – can you help me understand why the use of masculine personal pronouns?
Am I Going To Heaven?
Published: August 27, 2013A co worker told me I am not going to Heaven due to the fact the Lord had already assembled the 144,000 gentiles that would be going to Heaven and she was one of them. I to this day don’t understand how she could say that to me when I feel in my heart I am saved and have asked the Lord cleanse me of all the sins of my life.
Why 7 Weeks plus 62 Weeks?
Published: August 26, 2013Why does Daniel 9:25 state the time determined as 7 weeks, then 62 weeks instead of just 69 weeks?
A Pause Just Before The 2nd Coming? Why?
Published: August 26, 2013I know it’s only speculative and, perhaps, unfair to ask, but it appears that God has given you a degree of discernment most others lack. That said, do you have any thoughts about God’s purpose for the Sign of the Son to be in the heavens for some unknown period between the end of the Great Tribulation and His Second Coming?
Left Behind On Purpose?
Published: August 25, 2013Do you think that it’s possible that Jesus has chosen some of us to stay behind at the time of the rapture to help certain others? I have had some very clear and specific dreams to that effect and have been looking for any Biblical evidence to support this, but haven’t found any.
Matt. 24:40-42. Rapture Or 2nd Coming?
Published: August 24, 2013First of all, thank you so much for your ministry. My question is pertaining to Matthew 24. I believe as you do that this chapter is addressed to Israel and regards the 70th week of Daniel. I’m a bit confused about verses 40 – 42. It sounds rapture like in its description of two together and one taken but according to verse 29 it happens after the tribulation. Is this part of the gathering that the angels do in verse 31 or is it something altogether different?
1948 Or 1967?
Published: August 24, 2013On June 7th 1967 the capital of Israel, Jerusalem, was unified again and the Jews gained their political government back. Did that in fact start the stopwatch on the End Times?? I’m referring to Luke 21:32.
The Woman And The Holy Spirit
Published: August 24, 2013In Genesis 2:18 the Lord refers to the woman (Eve) as a helper: “And the Lord God said, “It is not good that man should be alone; I will make him a helper comparable to him.”
And then in John 14:26 He refers to the Holy Spirit as The Helper: “But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all things that I said to you.”
Are there any strong correlations or similarities between woman or mother and the Holy Spirit other than using a similar word in reference to them?
Why Are The Animals Dying?
Published: August 24, 2013We all know about birds and fish and other animals dropping dead all over the globe, which is presumably Hosea 4:1-3 coming to pass. Well, some hundreds of fish were recently found dead in a park about twenty minutes from where I live. The authorities haven’t found any rational cause for this. So I was wondering, is it God Himself who is killing off segments of His creation, or does He have angels who do that for Him?