Ask a Bible Teacher

More On The Times Of The Gentiles

Published: May 9, 2013

In response to my question about Daniel 2 a pastor told me that Daniel 2:44 was fulfilled when the Church was born on Pentecost and set in motion the defeat of the Roman Empire. Is this correct?

YHWH And Allah. Follow Up

Published: May 9, 2013

Re: Do YHWH and Allah Have The Same Meaning? I have heard that Allah means “curse” in English. Is this incorrect?

Bombing Damascus

Published: May 7, 2013

We have been thinking a lot about Damascus being destroyed by a nuclear bomb. One problem is that the prevailing winds are from west to east, and it appears that the winds could carry the nuclear contamination quite a distance. This could kill a lot of other people outside Damascus and even beyond Syria’s borders. Do you have any thoughts on this?

The Post Rapture World

Published: May 7, 2013

I understand the fact that after the rapture the Holy Spirit will no longer be sealed within those who become believers. It is however too difficult for me to share this with my brothers and sisters in Christ because they continue to look at the New Testament scriptures for the Church and believe God would not give the sealing of the Holy Spirit to one believer and not another, even if it is a Tribulation saint.

What About The Children?

Published: May 6, 2013

I understand that children below the age of accountability are not held to account for their sins. This fact raises a question in my mind about the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. God promised Abraham to spare Sodom If only 10 righteous men could be found. In a city of any size, there must have been at least 10 children below the age of accountability. Why do you think these young innocents were not counted as being sufficient to spare the cities that were destroyed?

Do We Really Vanish?

Published: May 6, 2013

For some time now, I’ve wondered if we will simply disappear at the Rapture. When Jesus ascended to Heaven, He did so visibly. Also, the saints that were raised up appeared in the city to hundreds of people. So where do we get the idea that we would vanish, leaving our clothes behind? Am I missing something here?

What Will The 144,000 Do?

Published: May 5, 2013

Can you please point out where the commission is for the 144,000?? I see they are sealed but I don’t see where they are told to witness to the people of the earth or even to Israel all I see is they are sealed.

Could The Qatar Proposal Be The One?

Published: May 5, 2013

I understand your reasoning placing the battle of Ezekiel 38 & 39 before the beginning of Daniel’s 70th week. Recent events, however, have given me pause. Namely, the proposal from Qatar for the Arabs to acknowledge Israel in return for an approximate return to the pre-1967 borders. This could possibly be the starting point for the Anti-Christ’s treaty. Based upon my understanding of Scripture, I never would have thought that an Arab country would make such a proposal at this juncture. Whenever I think I have a handle on how things will work out, God throws a curve ball.

The Wrath Of The Lamb And The Wrath Of God

Published: May 4, 2013

As we strive to be prepared for Christ’s return I often read Revelation. I have a desire to understand prophecy since it was given to us by God. My question concerns the Wrath of the Lamb that is introduced after the opening of the sixth seal. It appears to me that the trumpet judgments occur prior to Satan setting himself up in the temple. Is the Wrath of the Lamb and the Wrath of God the same timing?

Are We Having Birth Pangs Yet?

Published: May 4, 2013

As always thanks for your teaching and insight. My question is, ‘considering the present state of world affairs, are we experiencing birth pains or is that terminology reserved for the tribulation period?’