Ask a Bible Teacher

Sinners in The Millennium

Published: March 14, 2013

Will believers who populate the New Earth be able to sin? I know the 2nd generation will (they’re not technically believers until they accept Salvation, just like the rest of us), but how about the 1st generation? The ones who were left on Earth at the start of the Millennium?

The Pope And Bible Prophecy

Published: March 14, 2013

What if anything does the new pope have to do with Bible prophecy?

How Much Will The Church Endure?

Published: March 13, 2013

I have been reading your articles for some time on several other sites that post them and wanted to know if you believe Christ will return in the rapture before the real chaos and trouble begin, or if we will be here for it? Is there any way we can know this?

Confined To The Temple?

Published: March 12, 2013

I have a question regarding the Philadelphian church. Verse 12 is talking about the overcomers, and saying that they will be made a pillar in the temple of my God and shall go no more out. This kind of sounds like the Saints in the new Jerusalem (Church) will stay in the New Jerusalem. I have always thought that the Church could visit earth, or go where ever they wanted to go in their glorified body.

Was Tabernacles Partially Fulfilled?

Published: March 11, 2013

Given that Jesus’ ministry was 3 1/2 years long and then He died, was buried and rose again during the Spring feasts, isn’t it likely that He partially fulfilled the Feast of Tabernacles (God lives with us)?

Matt. 24-25. Rapture Or 2nd Coming?

Published: March 10, 2013

I am convinced in my own mind that the rapture will come before the Great Tribulation, and that Matt. 24-25 is about Israel and the 2nd Coming. I don’t understand why do some people say Matt. 24-25 is about the rapture?

Do Children Have The Holy Spirit?

Published: March 9, 2013

I understand that children before the age of accountability are saved (based on Romans 7:9.) Are they indwelt with the Holy Spirit at that time?

Sin In The Millennium?

Published: March 8, 2013

My question is this. During Jesus’ Millennial Reign on earth, will there still be sin and if so how will that sin be handled by Jesus at that time? Also, since Jesus will be ruling, will people still have to accept His gift of salvation to be forgiven?

Saints Or sinners?

Published: March 8, 2013

The other day, the question regarding our being sinners came up. I’ve heard so much about our being sinners saved by grace, but not much clarification on the subject. Are we saints, sinners, or saints who sin? or what?

Self Defense Vs. Civil Disobedience. Follow Up

Published: March 8, 2013

Regarding your answer in self defense vs civil disobedience. You asked if people were really prepared to stand alone against an armed military force and refuse to turn over their hunting rifle. If the answer to your question was yes and people would choose to make a stand against a tyrannical government (as I am sure many people will do) the original question remains. Is it self defense? I don’t own a gun but I know many Christians who are gun owners.