Ask a Bible Teacher

More On The Sabbath Rest

Published: April 12, 2024

In Numbers 15 the Lord instructs the children of Israel how to make atonement for sins committed out of ignorance. Then in verse 30, He tells us of a man who sinned presumptuously, knowingly, and willingly and that his iniquity shall be upon him. In the next few verses, a man gathering sticks on the Sabbath was put to death. Seems like there was no atonement or sacrifice that would save him because he didn’t do it out of ignorance. Does this example have any applicability for Christians today?

What Was Harvested On The Feast Of First Fruits?

Published: April 12, 2024

Re: The Last Eight Days, Part 3: In the paragraph regarding Sunday, 17 Nisan. The Resurrection, The Feast of First Fruits – I was wondering why there is a celebration of First Fruits of a harvest when it is spring and we normally think of a harvest happening in the fall. What is the sample of the harvest that the priest is bringing to the Temple to be dedicated?

A Wave Offering

Published: April 12, 2024

I was reading the end of the Gospel of Matthew today and came across verses, Matthew 27:51-53, that I’ve read several times but I’ve never heard any teaching on them; other than the veil being torn to show that God is now accessible to any who would seek Him and not just the priests. I just think the whole concept of the last two verses is very intriguing and the implications for what this resurrection could mean as it relates to the dead in Christ raising first as mentioned in 1 Thessalonians 4:16. Can you expound upon these verses and offer any insight?

A Question About Paradise

Published: April 11, 2024

I have a question about ‘Paradise’. Where is it said to be located? ie., middle of the earth??? What is it’s relevance and its role now and in future?

A Cross Or A Stake?

Published: April 11, 2024

Jehovah’s Witnesses claim that Jesus died on a vertical stake instead of a cross, because the original Greek word for the execution device translates in English to a stake. Do you know what the original Greek word is for the execution device that Jesus died on, and what it really translates to in English?

Is Ezekiel In Chronological Order?

Published: April 11, 2024

You have said in the past that Ezekiel’s prophecies are chronological. I agree with your view. However, Ezekiel 37: 26-27 (KJV) talks about the Lord making an everlasting covenant of peace with Israel with the Lord’s sanctuary and tabernacle in the midst of them. Some scholars have suggested that this prophecy will see fulfillment during the millennium or at the second coming at the earliest. I guess I am having trouble placing the events of this passage of scripture prior to the Gog and Magog war where Israel is hardly in peace.

And The Angels Sang

Published: April 10, 2024

Do we hear the angels sing? The reason I ask is that for sometime now I have heard singing, (very soft) in my house. My TV is off and my music is off. When I have heard this, I have looked to see if I had left the radio on and have checked my cell phone too! I never thought anything of it until my friend of many years asked me if I hear “singing” in my house. He told me he has heard this quiet & soft singing in his house. I would appreciate your thoughts on this.

More On Confessing Our Sins

Published: April 10, 2024

You encourage believers to keep confessing our sins and seeking God’s forgiveness. But isn’t it true that we’re already forgiven? If so why do we have to ask again? Is there another verse in the Bible that confirms this?

Not Saved, Not Worried?

Published: April 10, 2024

You have written, “The person whose assurance is weak can take comfort from the knowledge that if they weren’t saved, they wouldn’t be worried about it.” Is there any Scriptural basis for this?

Saved But No Fruit?

Published: April 9, 2024

In the parable of the Sower (Matt. 13) I find most people think the third soil represents an unsaved person but I certainly prefer your interpretation (that he is saved), I’m just not sure about its accuracy. I stand firmly against Lordship salvation but often wonder how people can say they believe, and yet live in a way that doesn’t reflect it.