Ask a Bible Teacher

Praying For The Peace Of Jerusalem

Published: April 24, 2024

When reading your article “The End times According to Isaiah, Part 12” I was struck by the message for today-that we are to pray for peace in Israel. How do we do this? We know that there will be no peace in Israel until the Lord comes. God has told us that the times for Israel are going to get quite bad. I would like to pray for Israel but I don’t know how to go about it. How do I pray for peace when God has already said there will be no peace? Could you share with me how you pray for Israel?

Who Are The Ruthless?

Published: April 24, 2024

On 02/14/09 you wrote: “The Psalmist said that the Lord is a shield for us, (Psalm 3:3) our refuge and our fortress. (Psalm 91:2) The Lord’s protective power will keep the ruthless at bay during His 1000 year reign, and at the end of it He will destroy them like He destroyed Babylon.”

Who are the “ruthless” that will be kept at bay during the Millennium? Where are they; what are they if all the world is to be Edenic?

Married In The Eyes Of The Lord

Published: April 23, 2024

If a man and woman are married by civil law and get divorced, and neither ever remarry, and they start dating and decide to live together, are they married in God’s eyes? And if a man and woman who have never been married by civil law, but they live together till one of them dies, are they living and dying in sin?

1260 Days, 1290 Days, And 1335 Days

Published: April 23, 2024

I have a few questions about Daniel 12. The one prophecy that seems to create more confusion than clarity among our group is the 75 day period between the end of the great tribulation to the 1335th day. As you know 1260 days equals 42 months or 3-1/2 years, the last time period on the great tribulation. From Daniel 12:11-12 there seem to be 30 days missing. 1290-1260 = 30 days. Then there’s a 45 day period between the end of the 1290 days to the 1335 days. Can you help us understand this?

More On The Curse Of Eve

Published: April 23, 2024

Our church is in the country and we have 10 acres of land. We have decided to have a vegetable garden to help feed those in our church that have lost jobs or anyone else in need. We hope to be able to home-can some of the bounty. Now my question. Several elderly women have cautioned us that if a woman is having her period, she must not help with the canning because it would cause spoilage. This sounds like an old wife’s tale to me but they insist it is true. Someone suggested that since this part a female’s life is caused by the original curse on Eve for touching and eating the forbidden fruit, that the curse continues today. Does that have any biblical foundation? I have not been able to find and scientific reason for it to be true.

Burning The Weapons From Ezekiel’s Battle

Published: April 22, 2024

I have a question about the 7 years of weapons-burning mentioned in Ezekiel 39:9. On 1/3/12 you said that you believe these 7 years will take place during Daniel’s 70th Week. Aren’t the Jewish people fleeing for their lives in the second half of the 70th Week? When will they have the time to finish burning up those weapons?

Can We Prove It Was Moses?

Published: April 22, 2024

Is it provable that Moses is one of the two witnesses in Revelation chapter 11? A well-know Prophecy TV program has recently declared that Moses is one of the two witnesses. I thought this was unprovable from Holy Scripture. What are your thoughts?

How Do I Convince Her She’s Wrong?

Published: April 22, 2024

I have a friend with a strange doctrine that bothers me. She believes that when Jesus died He paid for the sins of the world and all in it. So far no problem with me. Then she says that everyone is saved by that death without any actions, faith, or even knowledge of Jesus. In her opinion people from other religions or no religion will go in the rapture and will go to heaven, even without their prior knowledge or consent. Frankly I’m flabbergasted and do not know what to say to her to convince her of her folly.

Who Are The Overcomers Of Rev. 3:5?

Published: April 19, 2024

In Rev. 3:5 it says that if people overcome God will not blot them out of the book of life. Can you comment on this verse and who are the overcomers this passage is talking about?

Where Is Paradise?

Published: April 19, 2024

Recently my sister went to be with the Lord after a long battle with Brain Cancer. My family are true believers of God and worship Him as our Personal Savior. After dinner one evening, my sister’s children asked if their mom was in heaven and my fiance said that she was in a place called “Paradise.” He said that is where you go before you go to heaven. I’ve never heard of this. Can you please offer some answers that I can share with them?