Ask a Bible Teacher

Who Are The Jews?

Published: September 5, 2023

Biblically, what’s the difference between the Jews, the Israelis, and the Gentiles? Are the Jews just from the tribe of Judah? Are the Israelis all those that are considered Jews and Gentiles in the bible? (personally, I do not believe so, but could use some help with solid answers, I’m a bit confused) Thank you SOOOO much!!

No Temple For The Latter Days?

Published: September 5, 2023

I wish you to consider again your article on: The End Times According to Daniel, Part Two, Chapters 8-9 … with reference to Daniel-9 part of article.

In your writing you quote Daniel-9 reference “in a wing of the temple” yet shortly after shortening this to simply a ‘temple’. From this point on you take from this a (new) temple that will be built before the return of the Messiah Jesus Christ.

Your article says… First came 7 sevens (49 years) and then 62 sevens (434 years) for a total of 69 sevens or 483 years. At the end of this 2nd period their Messiah would be executed (literally destroyed in the making of a covenant) having received none of the honor, glory and blessing the Scriptures promised Him, and the people of a ruler yet to come would destroy Jerusalem and the Temple. Daniel-9 as you remember says “After the sixty two weeks the Anointed One will be cut off and have nothing. The people of the ruler who will come will destroy the city and the sanctuary.”

This might appear to be a very small point to make of such importance, but both Old and New Covenant must be part of understanding “in a wing of the temple.” It is true that sanctuary might be considered as temple, however as Michael forewarns, the sanctuary destruction mentioned almost as afterthought saying “The people of the ruler who will come will destroy the city and the sanctuary.” Note also that the only rebuilding described by Michael is to be Jerusalem, and this all during times of trouble.

Again I remind you that ‘temple’ is an insert within this scripture not found in the original, and as read without this addition more correctly describing a construct that Archangel Michael says in this time of desolation (within a time frame God still calls the chosen as a people in rebellion) that will be destroyed. If New Testament is to be taken literally, God no longer resides in a temple made by hand or man, the temple’s of past being only a shadow of the temple in heaven made by God. The everlasting Temple described in Haggai 2:9 “The glory of this latter house shall be greater than that of the former, says the Lord of hosts; and in this place I will give peace, says the Lord of hosts.” Scripture says that the second and third (rebuilt) temples were not as eloquent as the first being Saul’s temple.

Taken in complete, this “sanctuary” that will be destroyed by the abomination along with ending sacrifices, points not to a temple in which God resides, but very likely at a “wing of a temple” or outer area in a temple that God once did reside. The only temple this could possibly be is the remnant of Herods temple as yet in Jerusalem. Instead of a (new) temple in which the chosen atone for transgression and sin, Zech-13 describes the “saving grace” poured out by the Lord upon the chosen, so it will not be by “sacrifice” of man that cleanses the chosen people, but by grace of the living God. Yet this new ‘temple’ has become almost as important as the return of Christ.

Once Saved, Always Saved. Really

Published: September 5, 2023

I asked my sister if she still believes that Jesus is her savior, that he died for her sins on the cross etc… and she says “no”, thus denying Jesus as her Savior now … she accepted Jesus when she was a little girl, but now she changed her mind … she believes in reincarnation to get closer to God very strongly – she doesn’t believe that Jesus is the only way to God any more.

What must I make of that? Can she “lose” her salvation because she changed her mind on who’s her Savior… or will she still be saved?

Can you accept Jesus as your Savior and then deny Him afterward and still have your name written in the Book of Life?

If she repents and re-direct her views and beliefs towards Jesus, well YES, but what if she dies tomorrow without changing back to Jesus as her Savior?

Outer Space

Published: September 4, 2023

Recently when having an informal bible study with a friend, we had a discussion about man’s attempts to explore space, and how that fits with what the bible tells us about the current, fallen state of man and space for that matter. Should we be poking around “out there”? It’s hard not to look up at the stars and wonder in awe of God, and His creation. What are your thoughts on this?

Thanks very much for your site, it continues to be a valuable tool in my studies!

Conviction Or Condemnation?

Published: September 4, 2023

Your site is fascinating! First of all, I am a Hungarian girl, so, sorry for my bad English!

I have problem with the following verses: Matthew 6:14 says: “For if you forgive men when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive men their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.”

Also Luke 6:37-38. I have a serious struggle with forgiving from my heart. Don’t feelings matter at all? I want to forgive from my heart and asked God for help, but I feel condemned because of my wrong feelings toward the respective person. And this judging thing…I see what a grave sin judging is, but for me it’s like a bad thinking habit! I struggle with it too!

Luke 6:38 says: “…for with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.” Does it mean God is less compassionate (or absolutely not compassionate) toward such people who struggle with that sin? I read something where the author said God hates double standards. I understand it but this all is frightening!

Moreover it looks like He insists that somebody with the above mentioned sins risk his salvation. He doesn’t declare it, but it felt like that’s what He’s insisting. I used to believe in OSAS but it’s startling. What do you think of it? Is God less compassionate to such people?

Finally: I read “Why can’t I stop sinning” and your answer shook me. You say guilty feelings are from Satan? I mean, when I feel condemned and that God frowns at me is that always from the Devil? And the Holy Spirit never condemns us? Thank you for your answers!

Rahab To David

Published: September 4, 2023

I have always been puzzled by the genealogical time span between Rahab and her husband Salmon through to the birth of David. Scripture lists Salmon – Boaz – Obed – Jesse – and then David. Calculations by many historians, including Ussher have the time span of these generations approximating 385 years.

The men in this genealogy would all have had to have been quite old or perhaps a couple of generations were omitted in the Scripture. How do you see this?

Demonic Visitation

Published: September 1, 2023

I was raised Catholic and raised my children Catholic. I got saved about six years ago and began going to a Christian church. One of my two grown daughters has been going with me also but I could never get my other grown daughter to. She has not been in a church in about five years. Last weekend she indicated out of the blue that she would attend church with us. Of course, I was very happy and grateful.

This past Friday evening she said she would go again with us on Sunday. Then, at about 1 am on Saturday morning, she was awakened by a presence in her room which she felt was demonic. She felt it trying to push her off of her bed and she had a strong feeling that if it did, she would become possessed. No one in my family has ever had any experience of this kind before. She began to pray the Lord’s Prayer out loud over and over again and the pushing motion she felt slowed down but did not stop and the presence did not leave her. In fact, her lips became numb and soon she could no longer pray out loud. At that instant she began to say in her mind, “I cast you out in Jesus Name” and immediately the presence left her.

Can you explain this? Could it have just been a dream? If not is there anything I can do to help her? She is frightened it may happen again. Thank you and God bless you and your family.

God’s Wheels

Published: September 1, 2023

In your article The End Times According To Daniel Part One, I came across this sentence; ‘His throne was flaming with fire, and its wheels were all ablaze.’ – from the Dan. 7:9-10 paragraph.

Why are there wheels on God’s throne? Aren’t wheels a thing we men use to help us move things?

This is God’s throne here. Why does it have wheels?

A Horse Or A Donkey?

Published: September 1, 2023

I wanted to tell you that I have been reading your teachings for the last 4 hours straight. The last two weeks I have been teaching our young people about end time prophecy and current events. It raised many questions even for me. I have had many questions about prophecy and end time events, sequence of events, and scriptural proof. Your website has been a true blessing!

My only question is regarding your article about Passover and Palm Sunday. You stated that the only time Jesus announced himself as king was when he came in on Palm Sunday. However, he came in on a donkey, not a horse. A donkey in that time period was ridden and symbolic of priests. A horse would have symbolized a king. That is why Jesus in his 2nd coming will the rider on the white horse. This is where he comes as KING! Rev. 19:11

Please correct me if I am wrong, or give me your thoughts on this. Thank you so much for your time!

Armor Bearers

Published: August 31, 2023

I am an Armor Bearer for my pastor. He told me some things he did while serving as an Armor Bearer to his pastor, like going to wash his car on the weekends, getting up in the middle of the night to go serve him out of town while at other ministries, driving him all around town for different speaking engagements, dropping all of his plans to accommodate him if he has a last minute speaking engagement. Since he is a pastor now, I’m supposed to do all of these things for him. Don’t get me wrong, I try to serve as unto the Lord, but I don’t know if these things are necessarily considered “serving”.