Is Germany In End Times Prophecy?
Published: July 5, 2012What role do you believe that Germany and Chancellor Merkel are playing in prophecy considering their stance against Eurozone debt sharing/bailouts. I think it is wise for them not to bail out Europe. They are a strong economic entity, all to their own, that could wield a certain amount of power and political swagger going into the rapture.
The Destiny Of Unbelievers
Published: July 2, 2012I had a conversation the other day with a young man on the subject of our life span. I told him he would live forever as I would, but it would depend upon his acceptance or rejection of Christ as to where he would spend it. When he asked where I meant, I said either in Heaven or the Lake of Fire. He informed me that he had been to four different churches since he had moved here and they all said it would be separation from God. He said he was separated from God now and it did not bother him. And he is right. All the preachers I have heard in the last several years have described separation from God as the destiny for non Christians. Do you believe that unsaved ones will go to the Lake of Fire?
Will Russia Destroy Syria?
Published: July 1, 2012In your opinion, could the destruction of Damascus come from Russia or Iran, and not Israel? After reading about Russia warning Syria to prepare for war, it does begin to seem highly likely doesn’t it?
The Fierce Leader Of Isaiah 19?
Published: June 29, 2012Egypt’s newly elected leader Muhammed Mursi of the Muslim brotherhood is now in charge or shortly will be. Do you believe he may be the fierce leader spoken of by the prophet Isaiah? (Isaiah 19:4)
More On Post Rapture Believers
Published: June 26, 2012My question is why do the saints ask “how long” in Rev 6:10 when the Bible specifies a 7 year tribulation period? And even breaks down the length in days? Wouldn’t the people who are martyred during this period know exactly how long is left until Jesus’ second coming.
Isaiah 17 Or Ezekiel 38?
Published: June 24, 2012I have a question regarding your response to Is Russia In Ezekiel 38? If current events in the Middle East are not leading up to Ezekiel 38, could they be the preparations for the battles of Psalm 83 and Isaiah 17?
Saint Malachy And 112 Popes
Published: June 24, 2012Do you believe Saint Malachy’s prophecy on the 112 Popes? Do you think the pope will be the false prophet?
False Prophets And The Bride
Published: June 24, 2012I have a friend who says that Paul’s reference to the rapture is part of the “fly away doctrine” and is wrong. He quotes Ezekiel 13:20 as his reference. In reading another commentary trying to figure all this out, I saw that the daughters referenced in Ezekiel 13:17 are considered to be the modern day Bride of Christ. Any info would be helpful.
Is Russia In Ezekiel 38?
Published: June 21, 2012A Christian blogger has said that the joint exercise involving Syria, China, Russia and Iran can’t be leading to Ezekiel 38 because Russia and China are are not in Ezekiel’s prophecy. Is that correct? I always thought that at least Russia was part of it.
Rapture After The 2nd Coming?
Published: June 20, 2012Re: 2 Thessalonians 1:6, 7. “Since indeed God considers it just to repay with affliction those who afflict you, and to grant relief to you who are afflicted as well as to us, when the Lord Jesus is revealed from heaven with his mighty angels.”
As I read verse 7 it looks like God will only grant relief for the Thessalonians at the second coming of Christ. Does that not mean that they will not be raptured until the second coming? If they are raptured before that, why does Paul say that God will only grant relief from affliction for them at the second coming? Also in 2 Thes. 2:1, the second coming and the gathering of the saints are two separate events but the second coming is mentioned first. Doesn’t it sound like 2 Thes. 1:7 where relief is given to the saints when they are gathered after the second coming of Christ?